Example sentences of "was [verb] [to-vb] to the " in BNC.

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1 All this was intended to demonstrate to the king of France that these officials were not the king-duke 's accredited representatives , but merely the delegates of his seneschal .
2 Although this principle was intended to apply to the Nazi-occupied territories of Europe , nationalists throughout the colonial world , particularly in India and Burma , demanded its application to all dependent peoples .
3 The Estonian parliament , influenced by these concerns , adopted a constitutional amendment on 16 November providing for the right of veto over all legislation that was intended to apply to the USSR as a whole .
4 Apart from authority , it seems to me plain enough that s. 2 was intended to apply to the agreement which created the option and not to the notice by which it was exercised .
5 Frelimo already had some experience of developing schools in the liberated zones before independence , when education was intended to contribute to the liberation struggle , to change people 's consciousness and attitudes and to promote production and combat .
6 From that decision , leave was given to appeal to the House of Lords .
7 Finlayson and Weir ( 9 ) , ( 10 ) found that in comprehensive education the academically bright pupil was constrained to conform to the anti-intellectual norm in the hostel community , a very different position from that obtaining in the days of Dr. Farquhar Macintosh , now rector of Royal High School , Edinburgh who remembers his hostel days on the mainland from a Hebridean background where the hostels housed an academic elite of Certificate pupils .
8 ‘ From what she told me , Mellor was tipped to go to the top . ’
9 Yet she was itching to move to the metropolis and bombarded her parents with subtle and not so subtle requests .
10 The ocean carrier , therefore , was deemed to warrant to the consignor safe transport and delivery and could avoid liability only if he proved that something in the nature of force majeure had intervened .
11 ‘ And how did she know he was dying to go to the match ? ’
12 I even went , I was dying to go to the toilet so I thought oh I 'll go down to the big er and I had no toilet paper so I 'll go down to the big toilets and shower rooms .
13 Bren was dying to go to the pub .
14 The Plant committee was expected to report to the Labour Party conference in the autumn , but Mr Kinnock denied that turning it into an official government commission was a delaying tactic .
15 It was expected to lead to the appointment of an impartial body to determine responsibility for the conflict .
16 The British crown was expected to pass to the Dowager Duchess Sophia of Hanover , by virtue of the terms of the Act of Settlement , but Sophia died early in 1714 , shortly before Anne died on 1st .
17 His agent said he was refusing to speak to the press after an incident in which he said he had been misquoted .
18 In 1969 permission was granted to revert to the old regimental badge .
19 In this state his spirit was said to fly to the other world of spirits and there discover the cause of and cure for a person 's illness , the identity of a malefactor , or the nature of events destined to occur .
20 With tempers fraying , it was decided to return to the question today .
21 I have been saying he is an absolute ‘ bag o shite ’ since day one ( I was so mystified by the signing I was moved to write to the local rag — and they printed it ! ! ) .
22 During the 1979 Parliament a very limited attempt was made to add to the flexibility of the committee stage .
23 Nevertheless , he was retained and the secretary was instructed to write to the parish officers informing them of the same ; they were told to pay the subscription within a few days otherwise Spies would be discharged from the infirmary .
24 A long-term government plan came to fruition at the beginning of 1990 when it was announced that Taiwan was to apply to accede to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .
25 I was told to go to the telephone .
26 So I was told to go to the dermatologist .
27 At length we were called to an ante-room , where he was told to strip to the waist and wait .
28 Everybody else was told to move to the neighbouring countries of Jordan , Syria , Egypt and Lebanon .
29 I had been planning to go to the Nurburgring for testing the day after the race , but I was told to return to the factory and stop the new car I was building .
30 another one he had during his work and he says straight away look I was put to work splitting wood , do you see that in the , paragraph on the right hand side , the next day I was told to report to the dairy barns to help milk cows , then he worked in the garden , he also took care of the bees , harvested honey for the family , then in nineteen fifty three I was transferred to the cheese making farm , now here 's a spiritual brother thinking he 's going into the battle to do all sorts of spiritual things , and yet these were his assignments , there 's a lesson here for you and I .
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