Example sentences of "was [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 SALT I , the most important of these , placed limits on the further construction of intercontinental nuclear weapon systems by both sides ; it was intended to remain in force for five years or until superseded by a more comprehensive agreement , and it was the first real fruit of negotiations that had been proceeding since the late 1960s .
2 It is a penalty if it was not a genuine attempt by the parties to pre-estimate the likely damages but was intended to hang in terror over one party to ensure that he carried out the contract .
3 ‘ Come on , come on , ’ he rapped out despairingly , conscious that — gun or no gun — he simply had no control of the situation and was struggling to stave off panic .
4 Dead Lucky was struggling to stay in touch , but he was still there nonetheless , and if she just pushed her way out , Damien could easily make a show of snatching up .
5 The geometric mean of the anterior and posterior counts was calculated to correct for tissue attenuation .
6 On Oct. 21 an independent military trade union called " Shield " was formed to press for reform .
7 He was heard to say to Winner , ‘ You know , I feel that in this sequence I 'm running a bit too slowly .
8 On the last day of the Sale one senior elder was heard to say in response to another 's query as to how he was faring , ‘ Well , I 've just make 40p which I 'm very pleased about ’ .
9 It was recommended to burn off fuel in the fuselage tank to 30 gallons before combat if possible .
10 Sister Cooney looked sympathetically at Jack , but was constrained to nod in agreement .
11 ‘ S'awricht , Tam , ’ Wull was endeavouring to stand on tip-toe , but so was everyone else .
12 Suddenly he realised the single glaring inconsistency in any line of argument which was designed to point to revenge or the settlement of a grudge as a motive for the attempt .
13 They particularly liked the way it was designed to rotate in response to different wind directions .
14 A free trade agreement with Israel initialled in July [ see p. 39025 ] was signed on Sept. 17 ; it was designed to enter into force ( subject to ratification ) on Jan. 1 , 1993 — EFTA 's first such agreement with a non-European country .
15 All this time , her cries and weepings had so increased in volume and in duration ( sometimes she cried for five or six hours ) that she was forbidden to go to church , and had to be confessed and absolved in a private chapel .
16 The establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 meant that the government was now assured of loans at favourable rates , but always on a Parliamentary basis , since the Bank was forbidden to lend without Parliament 's approval .
17 The principle of orality was considered to contribute to unanimity in decision making because of the thorough sifting and testing of argument in unrestricted oral argument .
18 Once he 'd found out that I was applying to go to art school he opened up quite a bit and we began to talk .
19 The second major message of the report was to try to distinguish between mobility and accessibility .
20 Ltd. v. Hawkins ( 1859 ) 4 H. & N. 87 was authority for the proposition that it was an ordinary incident of all corporations ( including municipal corporations ) that they might sue for libel ; that case was only authority for the proposition that a trading company might sue for libel by which its property was injured ; ( 3 ) in holding that the Manchester Corporation case was decided per incuriam when there was no basis for so holding and he should have followed it ; ( 4 ) in holding that in bringing an action for libel not alleged to have caused actual damage , no valid distinction could be made between trading corporations and municipal corporations , which ignored the true basis on which a trading corporation was permitted to sue for libel , namely that it had a trading character , the defamation of which might ruin it : South Hetton Coal Co . Ltd. v. North-Eastern News Association Ltd. [ 1894 ] 1 Q.B. 133 , 145 .
21 She was expected to join in class work , but her pain and spasticity increased because of the physical efforts she was making , and because of her stress .
22 Marriage was expected to last for life and adultery and fornication were punished in the ecclesiastical courts .
23 The trial was expected to last until Christmas .
24 Louth , out of the room where Eileen was expected to lie in bed with her son .
25 Consisting of eighty-five lots of modern Chinese paintings , it was expected to realize in excess of $2million ( NT$50million ) .
26 Second , he was expected to lead to war the king 's benefice-holders ( vassi ) from within his county .
27 South Africa ( a founder FAO member which had withdrawn in 1964 ) was expected to apply for readmission , but withdrew after the Organization for African Unity ( OAU ) had indicated that such a move was " premature " .
28 The number of dead and injured was expected to rise as rescue teams reached more outlying regions cut off due to the widespread destruction of roads and bridges .
29 A new export-processing zone near Lomé , designed to attract foreign capital and develop non-traditional exports , was expected to come into operation after the publication of enabling decrees by the Council of Ministers in May 1990 .
30 The protocol disbanding the treaty , which called for the promotion of a gradual shift towards all-European security structures on the basis of agreements achieved at the Paris CSCE ( Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe ) summit in November 1990 [ see pp. 37838-39 ] , was expected to come into effect by the end of the year , once it was ratified by all six parliaments .
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