Example sentences of "was [verb] [pers pn] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although he was no stranger to the town , now that he was on a case he was seeing it with new eyes .
2 Guy Sterne was eyeing her with amused curiosity .
3 He was kissing her with small caresses of his mouth , teasing her cheeks and nose , tempting her brows and the corners of her mouth , so that her breath grew shallow and her body leaned against his solid frame for support .
4 Jimmy adjusted the gun so that he was holding it with both hands .
5 A third , clutching a filthy rag to his face , was threatening them with all manner of retribution .
6 Mr Clarke told the Commons he was doing it with great reluctance .
7 Mr Clarke told the Commons he was doing it with great reluctance .
8 Mr Clarke told the House of Commons that he was doing it with great reluctance .
9 These were old aims but the intention was to pursue them with greater vigour and effectiveness .
10 She was regarding them with wide , dark eyes , full of uncertainty .
11 The man was regarding her with natural surprise .
12 She looked at him warily to find that he was regarding her with unprecedented tenderness .
13 Fernie was regarding her with some awe .
14 She was 15 at the time of the wedding , and was to present him with seven children , among them the future Charles I. She also presented him with an embarrassing situation by deciding after a while to become a Roman Catholic .
15 Course you can imagine how careful he was carrying it with that in it .
16 Brückner was watching him with wide , frightened eyes .
17 He noticed that Hari was watching him with dull eyes .
18 Beryl was watching him with suspicious eyes .
19 He was watching her with such quiet intensity that , for just an instant , she felt as if there were no one else in the square but the two of them .
20 It was hard to conceal the sudden rush of nerves she felt when she saw the way he was watching her with that barely hidden amusement .
21 He was watching her with that same intensity she 'd seen in his face before , the one that made his eyes seem like dark sapphires .
22 His lean and powerful body was relaxed in the black suit , long legs crossed towards her , chest turned towards her , and he was watching her with narrowed eyes , obviously rearranging his thoughts about her at a rate of knots .
23 There was a white line around his mouth and he was watching her with undisguised lust , as if he wanted her and hated himself for being so human .
24 Oswin was watching her with expressionless eyes .
25 Luke had stood up too now and was watching her with glittering eyes , either unaware of or unperturbed by the disarray of his own garments .
26 But now he was cuddling me and whispering in my ear with helpless pleading , " Hold me — hold me — " Suddenly I was hugging him with all my strength ; our bodies were strung tight together and we were kissing each other 's cheeks with little frantic kisses — we could n't bear to draw apart even enough to find each other 's lips .
27 He was teasing her with this leisurely foreplay , stoking the fires inside her until they reached the point where they could no longer be contained .
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