Example sentences of "was [verb] [adv] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The air-conditioned restaurant was furnished beautifully in thirties chrome and pale grey velvet .
2 Positioning was validated fluoroscopically in six subjects , with no adjustment of tube required , and fluoroscopy was therefore not considered essential in subsequent subjects .
3 They also suggested that the building , whose 14 columns still stand as a striking landmark of the site , was erected probably in two phases in the first century BC .
4 It was erected originally in 1493 , an important building reflecting the wealth of the city .
5 Having served with the Duke of Wellington 's Regiment in two campaigns on the north-west frontier of India , the Corporal was recalled briefly in 1938 , went to France in 1939 , and spent five days coming out over the Dunkirk beaches .
6 The village was , as she had thought , a dump , where time was whittled away in some vintage manner .
7 The Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance was formed early in 1991 because of widespread concern at the perceived low level of confidence in financial reporting , and the ability of auditors to provide adequate safeguards .
8 He was clad only in thin cotton pyjama bottoms .
9 Sharif-Emami took on the job twice , the second time in 1978 ; Mansur was assassinated in 1965 , like Razmara in 1951 ; Amir Abbas Hoveyda , who replaced Mansur , had a long run but was eased out in 1977 to give way to Amuzegar , a successful OPEC hawk as previous oil minister .
10 The wage-scale was revised upwards in 1910 ( see Chapter 5 ) , and the printed schedule in the wage-book gives the rates for " female compositors " as listed in Table 7b .
11 Twenty-seven years after the Watts riots , nothing had changed , and a new generation was lashing out in blind rage .
12 News of the pilot projects was given yesterday in Western News , the staff magazine for 16,000 BR employees in the South-west and South Wales .
13 The construction programme , which was to go ahead in two phases , can now be accomplished in one .
14 This legitimate expectation was recognized only in public law and not in private law .
15 Interventions of varying intensity were necessary in six patients of the control group and three patients in the nasal oxygen group , but the procedure was completed successfully in all cases except one .
16 The report on that project was completed early in 1985 .
17 The picture was completed only in 1971 when children with severe learning difficulties , hitherto provided for by the health authorities , were brought into the education service .
18 The fifth set was completed only in 1965 by Luciano Minguzzi with scenes from the building of the Duomo , and the life of San Carlo Borromeo .
19 A moment to consider this , then my father had closed the door gently , returned to the wheel and had proceeded to continue the tour of the three villages — a tour , Mr Charles assured me , that was completed thereafter in near silence .
20 Though the extensive story telling of the Bible and Gospels was developed especially in Gothic architecture , in the great portals and walls , Romanesque work too tells this story .
21 If implemented , the demerger would be the most radical departure in the group 's 66-year history , and the biggest shake-up in the world chemical industry since Germany 's IG Farben was broken up in 1945 .
22 As for the mild , ramshackle Austro-Hungarian empire , it gave Bosnia peace and reasonably humane government for a few decades , until Austria-Hungary itself was broken up in 1918 — to the regret , quite soon , of many of its erstwhile subjects .
23 Formerly affiliated to the Psychopomps gangcult , her chapter was broken up in 1995 during a pitched battle with the Road Cavalry in Spanish Fork , Deseret , Jessamyn is now believed to be working alone . ’
24 Their collection was broken up in 1979 , when Mr Pohrt , who bought out Mr Chandler , sold the material to the Detroit Institute of Art and the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody , Wyoming .
25 The public silence was broken early in 1987 by Marxism Today , who can seldom resist a bandwagon , even if they often fall under the wheels in the process ; and the particular bandwagon they joined on this occasion was the one about what the Tories had labelled ‘ Loony Left ’ councils .
26 ( The more detailed working of this language-game was explained earlier in this section when discussing an animal 's recognitional capacities . )
27 He had an open mind and said there were pluses and minuses and for it , I think if it was pointed out in future years , that an extra mil one point four million pounds could be available for school budgets he would look at it perhaps a little differently .
28 Here , there was from the 1740s a considerable expansion in the number of women working at the surface , for from then to the 1850s the mining of copper was of greater importance than tin and , as was pointed out in 1810 , " the copper mines when in full working employ a good number of women and children who are useless about tin " .
29 This was pointed out in clear terms in a case which merits more attention than it sometimes receives , namely , Reg. v. Heston-Francois [ 1984 ] Q.B .
30 ‘ I suppose I read too many thrillers but in the end I 'd convinced myself you 'd got too tough and killed somebody and George was mixed up in that ! ’
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