Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] [pers pn] from " in BNC.

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1 The expedition was not to start until the beginning of May , five days away , and she knew with absolute certainty that the word of it was to come to them from her .
2 Diamond Head was leaping at me from the right .
3 There is also almost no one there who feels enthusiastic about knowing Russian , which was imposed on them from above .
4 He is not a natural extrovert ; leadership was thrust on him from a very early age .
5 He was looking at me from under his dark brows , his voice low .
6 I could tell that my father was looking at me from the other end of the table , swilling his juice round in his glass and staring at my head as I bent over my plate .
7 Hoomey was looking at her from under the seat in front .
8 Agnes started and went towards her mother , who was looking at her from the kitchen doorway .
9 He was looking at her from beneath thick brows .
10 Margaret Wynne Nevinson , an active suffragist , rebelled against the way ‘ marriage was dinned into me from morning till night … from a business and commercial standpoint ’ .
11 Even when she was flying to me from various positions , the slightest disturbance in the landscape might distract her attention .
12 And he said he was unable to resist orders from a drowned boyhood friend called Delroy , who was speaking to him from ‘ beyond the grave ’ .
13 At first he sounded distant , as if he was calling to her from the basement of a big house , but he came nearer very quickly and suddenly he was shouting in her ear .
14 ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’ was borne to them from the enemy lines , time and again — into the land between the opposing armies , through their own lines , and away into the darkness .
15 Su'a received the third lbw of the match to which one could raise an eyebrow — this one was coming across him from a suspiciously sharp angle as DeFreitas bowled round the wicket and wide out .
16 A van was coming towards her from Stowbridge , but it was her daddy 's old one !
17 The tram was coming towards her from Boar Lane .
18 The great rat was staring at him from the hole in the corner of the picture .
19 It would appear that a large part of the answer was assumed by him from the outset and without argument .
20 My mother was reading to me from A Sporting Trip Through Abyssinia , and I can remember exactly where she had got to in the book when , thinking I looked feverish , she took my temperature and put me to bed .
21 Round about midnight our supper was delivered to us from the cookhouse in a thing called a ‘ haybox ’ .
22 Even while it was registering on her from the newspapers in his hands that he was no lie-a-bed but was up and had been out for his paper , he was taking in the damp , startled look of her and , feigning surprise himself , ‘ It 's a mermaid ! ’ he declared .
23 I was put off it from an early age because it used to be used in the by-lines in the Daily Telegraph and it sort of and it looked a bit wrong .
24 Whoever was talking to us from Over Yonder , however , knew all the words .
25 If anyone from the group here met Kemp at 3 p.m. , it was n't Downes , because nine or ten of you here will willingly testify to the incontrovertible fact that he was talking to you from that time onwards .
26 I think in Britain we were all rather amazed at how much solidarity was extended to us from Europe .
27 Upon receipt of the executed sub-licence from the customer the film was dispatched to him from Hong Kong .
28 He was screaming at her from down in the channel .
29 The Führer was sent to us from God , though not in order to save Germany , but to ruin it .
30 Her duties were n't merely confined to waitressing however ; like all the girls at The Haven she did whatever was required of her from changing bed linen to washing dishes .
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