Example sentences of "was [verb] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 The main question to ask about any material is : does it do the job it was intended to do with the audience it was made for ?
2 But these rooms were much altered between 1865 and 1868 in a neo-Rococo style that was intended to blend with the 18C Rococo designs of Pacassi for the proposed coronation of Emperor Franz Josef I. In the end the emperor refused the crown of Bohemia deeming it too dangerous to accept it and upset the Hungarians .
3 With a mile to run the King 's colt Anmer was struggling to stay with the pace and started to drop back , and as the runners came down the hill Aboyeur was three lengths to the good , with Craganour , Day Comet , Shogun and Louvois best of the rest .
4 The Union of October ( Octobrists ) , a loose political alliance led by landed nobility and a few prominent industrialists , was formed to work with the Tsar on the basis of the Manifesto .
5 More enthusiastic was the Union of 17 October ( Octobrists ) , a loose political alliance led by landed nobility and a few prominent industrialists , which was formed to work with the Tsar on the basis of the Manifesto .
6 He said : ‘ I was caught dancing with the wrong girl at a party .
7 I can see that perhaps if they want to have a er they may feel they need to stray into other boundaries but I did feel that when I read what Huntingdon district council proposed which was if you like , to completely re-drawing the electoral map for the entire county I was n't actually looking at something that was designed to deal with the interests of the citizens of Huntingdon district council , I was looking at the straightforward political proposal which would be far better to come from a political party than from a district council .
8 Kohl was forced to scrap a proposed tax reform ( affecting interest payments ) due to the popular outcry against it , and also reversed a decision to extend the length of conscription to 18 months , which was designed to cope with the falling population .
9 The system was not obnoxious to the perpetuity rule , because each settlement and resettlement was designed to comply with the rule , and the perpetuity period began afresh from the time of each resettlement .
10 The earliest version of MS-DOS ( MicroSoft — Disc Operating System ) was designed to compete with the then standard home computer operating system — CP/M ( Control Program/Microcomputer ) .
11 He also stated that the landing was designed to assist with the restoration of services to Bougainville .
12 Much as I was itching to play with the Bob Marley , I knew I would have more chance of parking Armstrong illegally when I collected Werewolf .
13 Connor put the blame for the ‘ hopeless ’ state of the books on Cripps who , on Chapman 's return in 1918 , was allowed to remain an assistant but , because of his alleged mismanagement , was forbidden to travel with the team .
14 At the helm was a Producer , although in addition to supervising the administrative side he was expected to liaise with the writer on the script and direct the play in the studio .
15 Peter Settelen ( 42 ) — who appeared in three episodes of the long-running soap in 1974 as a brewery executive named Warren Coates — was seen lunching with the Princess in London this week .
16 Even Dr Leary , after his highly publicized experimentation with the psychedelic mushrooms , said he was moved to agree with the arch right-winger of American politics , Governor George Wallace , on one thing , that nothing less than western civilization was at stake .
17 Watson was instructed to negotiate with the Sunday Telegraph .
18 Er , I should know that , or certainly agree that all the staff in the Environment must have coped ade adequately well before under the preceding system where each officer , each department was was instructed to deal with the environment as it came along .
19 The strategy was given its first airing two days after the Danish vote at a meeting of the Council in Oslo on 4 June , when it was agreed to proceed with the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty while giving time to the Danes to resolve their problems .
20 Later the same year James Porter presented a document on the Dip.H.E. , on behalf of the Group , to the Council , suggesting , among other things , that a national ‘ transfer agency ’ was needed to deal with the problems of students wishing to move from a DipHE in one institution to a degree course in another .
21 The Hungarian interior minister , Peter Boross , in opening remarks , said a common strategy was needed to cope with the growing tide of illegal migrants , including a policy to improve life in their home countries .
22 Hungarian Interior Minister Peter Boross , in opening remarks , said a common strategy was needed to cope with the growing tide of illegal migrants , including a policy to improve life in their home countries .
23 However , some companies had failed to realise that assessments made under Regulation 6 should be used to determine what further action was needed to comply with the regulations .
24 It was not until the 1930s that a more effective fascist organization , the British Union of Fascists ( BUF ) , was formed under the leadership of Oswald Mosley , at a time when Britain was attempting to deal with the unemployment of between 20 and 23 per cent .
25 By late September the government was attempting to negotiate with the rebels through local community leaders , and about 90 people taken hostage in the north were subsequently returned to N'Djamena .
26 Heath was attempting to break with the politics of accommodation , the ‘ triangular system ’ of government/union/employer consultation which had been growing up at least since the war .
27 In 1936 , the Park Royal Brewery in north-east London was opened to cope with the extra demand .
28 I did n't see how I was going to live with the memory of him as it was ; I thought there must be something we could do , just something ; even one friendly lunch together might help .
29 Like Powdermaker ( 1967 ) , who recorded fieldnotes in Mississippi only when she was away from her field data , I found I only took notes at the time if I was willing to risk begin interrogated about what I was going to do with the information I was recording .
30 It 's possible I knew subconsciously all along what I was going to do with the gun .
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