Example sentences of "was [verb] [noun] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 G. E. I was offered money many a time .
2 And er , if I was to put entries all the way across the top of this spreadsheet like this , and then , all the way across the bottom of the spreadsheet , do you know how I got to the bottom so quickly , by the way ?
3 And that old man I 'm telling you the God 's truth , I watched him when I was coming school many a time , used to go to Anglesey with a rope in his pocket here .
4 Cellnet is said to be spending £3 million a week improving the cellular phone network , and until recently Racal was spending £2 million a week .
5 In 1989 , industry claimed it was spending $34 billion a year to comply with pollution control legislation .
6 BP was spending £45 million a year on sulphur recovery alone .
7 I was drinking Coke half the night .
8 When the meal was eaten Tom unwrapped a small brown package which contained four pieces of dark , home-made ginger cake .
9 The financial consequences for Caltech have been very significant : by the early 1960s it was receiving $1¼ million a year for administering JPL .
10 Minton 's largesse was attractive : Bernard still recollects how , at a time when he was earning £2 10s a week , in a timber yard off Greek Street , Minton astonished him with a gift of £10 , in effect a month 's wages .
11 In retrospect , was leaving Lotus alone the wrong thing to do as far as the Elan was concerned ?
12 All Friday , Saturday and Sunday we were at the house , and he was shooting cocaine all the time — shooting it . ’
13 ‘ I was paid £3 10s a week , and worked on Saturday mornings , ’ he said as he bowed out of Linlithgow Branch for the last time .
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