Example sentences of "is always [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our second day had been ‘ earmarked ’ fora boat trip out to Volunteer Point to see the king penguins , and as it is an open beach , landing is always subject to wind and sea conditions .
2 ‘ Space is always available at airports for commercial operations such as shops and bars , but the authorities are not prepared to give up some space for security . ’
3 This would be all very well , if the plants of the phytoplankton could make do entirely on solar energy , which at least in the tropics is abundant all year round , and on carbon dioxide , which is always available in solution .
4 Teaching is one type of nursing activity which is always relevant in relation to the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
5 Alistair Kerr is always keen for donations towards the vehicle in which the model layout is housed and the continued upkeep of the actual exhibition .
6 It is always uneconomic for capitalism to develop areas it calls ‘ backward ’ , and the areas themselves lack the capacity to create and sustain their own growth .
7 The variable is always visible in binoculars , though it has no features of special interest .
8 A times B , is always equal to B times A.
9 A win against the reigning world champions is always good for morale , but in the wake of less than convincing performances against Brazil ( 1-0 defeat ) , Algeria ( 1-0 win ) and England ( 0-0 draw ) , a resounding victory would keep the huge weight of the Italian sports press off Vicini 's back .
10 A win against the reigning world champions is always good for morale , but on this occasion it would be especially welcome .
11 Reggiani is always good for surprises , but over the full season I do n't think he 's a great threat .
12 Unilever said : ‘ Hot weather is always good for ice cream and soap sales . ’
13 The passivity of the electorate , so far from being a cause for concern or even regret , was viewed with positive approval : " The belief that a very high level of participation is always good for democracy is not valid " , Lipset magisterially announced .
14 Bowel cancer is invariably rare in communities passing large stools , and stool volume is always small in communities with a high frequency of bowel cancer .
15 Catnip is an example ; Nepeta cataria is the true herb and is the catnip that has a hard life if a cat is part of the household , but Nepeta x faassenii , also sometimes called catnip , is the usual species grown in gardens , with little if any attraction for cats , though it is always alive with bees when in flower .
16 It is always possible for humans to live peacefully , in a relatively small community , as long as there is another group to receive the manifestations of their aggressiveness .
17 It is clear that while use of the correspondence principle is always possible in theory considerable computational effort may be needed to obtain applicable results .
18 Low Church Protestants see the ceremony as a memorial — they would argue that Christ is always present with believers and this presence is not deepened by a ceremony and that grace is through faith alone , not ceremonies .
19 The danger consists in imagining some essence of Christianity , for example , that , because it may be shown to be immune to scientific criticism today , is assumed always to have existed and therefore , properly understood , is always impervious to criticism .
20 ‘ Common sense ’ is the folklore of philosophy , and is always halfway between folklore properly speaking and the philosophy , science and economics of the specialists .
21 In any event , cross-references which can not be resolved will remain flagged as such so that the system is always consistent with respect to which references are navigable .
22 Under the new system , delivery of the evidence of title is always necessary as part of the original package supplied by the seller 's conveyancer at the commencement of the transaction .
23 You may not feel that this is always necessary with designs that can be knitted automatically , since they will appear on screen in colour , but it is a great memory jogger and , rather then going back into the programme to look at a design , the colours and design may be seen from the printout .
24 Look for the very red N-type semi-regular variable × Cancri , between Delta and the little pair of Omicron and 63 ; its range is between 5.0 and 7.3 , so that it is always easy in binoculars , and is in the same × 7 field with Delta .
25 Mirrors , being the most readily available and most literal source of self-perception — a faculty which is always weak in anorexics — also play an important role in the symbology or symbolism of the disease .
26 While a man should never consciously prepare for violence , the latter is always preferable to cowardice or emasculation .
27 However , the existence of such objects is always apparent to authors , so that they are not treated wantonly when a document is edited .
28 When you 're feeding the baby , make sure that the teat is always full of milk , or he 'll suck in air with his feed which could to a bout of indigestion .
29 If you ask me said Mrs Bird as she invited every one in for a hot mince pies fresh from the oven that 's the nicest start to a Christmas day any one can possibly wish for but then she added and with general agreement with a bear like Paddington about the house life is always full of surprises .
30 So the house is always full of men .
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