Example sentences of "is so [adj] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The resulting exposition is so authoritative that practitioners and the courts departed from it only rarely unless subsequent developments made this necessary .
2 His desire to have me visit him is so strong that charity will not let me refuse .
3 Mrs Prentiss , the wife of the American consul in St Pierre wrote a letter home : ‘ The smell of sulphur is so strong that horses in the street stop and snort , and some of them drop in their harness and die of suffocation .
4 Gravity is so strong that space is bent round onto itself , making it rather like the surface of the earth .
5 Now we have video , a complex technology which is so automated and fool-proofed that it enables anyone , whether technically minded or not , to record moving pictures to a standard which can be very high indeed .
6 In southern California , rainfall is so infrequent that Couch 's spadefoot may breed only once in two years .
7 One justification for this is that gravity is so weak that quantum gravitational effects would be large only at particle energies way beyond those in any particle accelerator .
8 But it is so serious when children get it , and thousands of children have it …
9 The analogy is so close that Alan Kimmel of Fitchburg State College describes rumour ( New York Science Times , June 4 1991 ) as a sort of opportunistic virus that thrives on fear and uncertainty .
10 It is unfortunate that knowledge of this important phase in Northumbrian dynastic history is so slight but Bede says that Osric nominated Ceolwulf as his successor ( HE V , 23 ) , and Bede appears to have welcomed his accession , sending him a draft version of the Ecclesiastical History for his comments and criticism and dedicating the finished work to him ( HE Preface ) .
11 Some writers use an engineering analogy and point out that the words ‘ stress ’ , ‘ strain ’ , ‘ tension ’ and ‘ pressure ’ are used when the load becomes too great and a breaking point is reached ; it is the point where the strain is so great that metal ceases to bend and it snaps .
12 The broker reckons although it is hard to fault Sainsbury 's performance in tough economic conditions , the rating discrepancy between it and its peers in the food sector is so great that Sainsbury 's obvious merits are discounted .
13 The sales potential for technologydriven , ultra-real pornographic and violent experiences via the computer is so great that computer engineers are furiously designing software that will satisfy an otaku 's ‘ sexual ’ needs .
14 The damage that goats can inflict on each other with their sharp horns is so great that aggression has become highly ritualised .
15 On May 1 the Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia appealed for international aid , saying that " the magnitude of devastation wrought by the latest cyclone is so great that Bangladesh can not face it alone " .
16 Per capita costs of material appear low , but the project is so small that production costs are minimal and a great deal of good will and free time has gone into material production and distribution .
17 It is so small and mobile that it could easily be hidden , and it can carry nuclear or conventional warheads .
18 There is so much that pupils can offer to the school if there can be someone to listen and take notice .
19 Such an analysis is so extensive that life moves on before the implementation is complete .
20 The scope of TWE 's business is so wide that US West will probably have to seek the judge 's waiver for one interstate operation or another .
21 The author is not aware of any book dealing with the totality of this field , indeed it is so wide that generalisations can be misleading .
22 The casualty list is so long that manager Walter Smith can barely face talking about it .
23 That is one reason it is so keen that East European products , especially its competitive farm products , should have free access to West European markets .
24 At its climax , their performance is so punishing that senses of sight , sound and balance break down almost entirely .
25 Finding a new childcarer is so traumatic that 80% of the mothers surveyed admitted they did n't have the courage to give an inadequate nanny the sack immediately ; 60% of those who were unhappy carried on with their carer for a month , and 35% for up to six months .
26 The fact that Crosby fought tooth and nail to get the job in an area where the success rate is so limited and expectation so high , speaks volumes for his bottle .
27 In fact the defragmenter , Speedisk , is so good that Microsoft bought it and built it into MS-DOS 6 .
28 But the pigeon 's adaptation to such a diet of large objects is so good that seeds only a little smaller than a nutmeg will pass right through the bird and be ejected together with a small quantity of droppings which will help them grow on the forest floor .
29 It is a combination that is so good that Redgrave , 30 , is now looking over his shoulder .
30 ‘ Then we will take the boy 's speech and writing which is so good and subject it to careful analysis and if we teach the other boys whose writing and speech is not so good how to subject what they say and write to this kind of analysis they will realise how badly they speak and write and will promptly set about trying to improve the way they speak and write … . ’
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