Example sentences of "is so [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But it remains to be seen whether this somewhat confused mixture of ideologies represents a realistic and coherent guiding force for the type of global change in human values that is so urgently needed at this time .
2 Reform is so urgently needed in so many matters of ethics .
3 And although always implied rather than broadcast , this rejection of intellectualism is so well understood throughout the service that it has even affected those to whom Bramshill scholarships to University have been offered , and many turn them down .
4 That analysis is so well understood in North America that their discrimination statutes merely enact a general prohibition on employment discrimination on account of disability .
5 There are many species of ‘ flying ’ squirrels , but none of these is so well equipped for flight as the colugo , their gliding membranes being not nearly so extensive .
6 However , if raising of /a/ is so well established in BV velar environments , the tendency to front-raising may formerly have been present in both BV and EModE in other environments also , receding from these environments before receding from the velars .
7 However the very fact that the product has been around for so long and is so well established in the corporate market place that makes it a worth taking seriously .
8 In fact , anything of a business , property or joint financial nature is so well starred at the end of this month — only the most disillusioned Aries individual could fail to see that what lies ahead is the stuff that dreams are made of .
9 The propensity of these birds to fly off with any attractive object , is so well known to the natives , that they always search the runs for any small missing article that may have been accidentally dropped in the bush .
10 Catherine Lee is an artist who has surely not exhibited so extensively nor is so well known as her painter-husband , Sean Scully .
11 We are surprised that Ito is so strongly opposed to a model that accounts for his data and ours , and that allows the cerebellar cortex of the flocculus and/or the ventral paraflocculus to be one of two sites of learning in the VOR .
12 Real supporters too worry that the disarray and the division in the Government is so clearly mirrored in the Opposition .
13 That cynical interpretation of the commitment of all those dedicated professionals who are carrying forward the first wave of trusts is so bitterly resented by the health service , which is why the Labour party has lost all credibility with the health professionals .
14 On 29 June 1559 , Henri wrote to the pope , that notorious bombast Paul IV , about ‘ the incredible disaster which has since befallen the realm of Scotland to our extreme regret , disgust and displeasure ’ ; the letter stated his ‘ confidence in God who is so signally offended at this wretched plague of ruffians ’ , but God was to be given worldly assistance in the shape of ‘ a large and sufficient force of French soldiers , infantry and cavalry ’ .
15 However , the UCTA is so intimately connected with the process of negotiation and drafting in the areas covered by the next four chapters that , as a preliminary to detailed analysis of the precedents , it was felt essential to lay out the principles contained in the UCTA and discuss their application in the light of the case law that has evolved in the 15 years or so since the UCTA came into effect .
16 However , not all change of state verbs can be expected to occur with adverbal adjectives even then ; for instance , murder and burn do indeed produce a change of state that can be described by an adjective but one which is so intimately linked to the nature of the verb and so banally obvious that the adjective describing the object is otiose .
17 He condemns the monk : at the same time as he acknowledges the monk 's ingenuity that has provided him with his sexual reward : This monk does not suffer the retributive poetic justice that is so frequently met with by lecherous clerics in the French fabliaux .
18 Culpeper wrote of it " it is so frequently known to be an inhabitant in almost every garden that it is needless to write a description thereof .
19 But for the moment it is enough to recognize that even unanimity can have its problematic aspects ; and , since unanimity is so rarely achieved on a large scale , we need to consider next the next best thing , the principle with which democracy is very often crudely identified : majority decision-taking or majority rule .
20 I believe the lemon accentuated the tart , refreshing character of the beer , and I am sorry that it is so rarely seen in Germany today .
21 Perhaps the controversy which is so thoroughly evaded in this exhibition needs to be reintroduced .
22 What has pleased me is the way in which the living material of Rural Studies is so avidly used in Art nowadays , not just in primary schools , but in secondary schools , too .
23 Assynt is so heavily populated with small fish , it is considered good policy to reduce their numbers ; fewer mouths mean more food all round , and larger trout .
24 The vocabulary of evaluation , especially praise , is so heavily used in speech — including in HYPERBOLE , or exaggerated forms — that it can take on surprising effects in more formal , written contexts .
25 In passing judgement on these crucial issues the historian is so easily blinkered by hindsight .
26 What price then that metaphysical guarantee of social differentiation when it is so easily abolished in the confusion it was supposed to preempt and render impossible ?
27 There is an assumption behind all this that size does matter , which seems to be belied by the fact that IBM 's enormous $60,000m a year bulk has been unable to save the company — but IBM 's problems all arise from the fact that the company 's business is so hopelessly slewed to one sector of the market , with products that fewer and fewer people are going to be happy to own .
28 It may seem superstitious , but it makes damned fine art , because the vision of release in salvation is so vividly nurtured in Christian history .
29 With regard to particular crimes , the survey perhaps offered some reassurance to those accustomed to the image of a massive upsurge in crime which is so regularly portrayed by the media .
30 How can he possibly justify cutting training which is so desperately needed by a work force without jobs such as that in Knowsley , South ?
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