Example sentences of "is not about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing primordial about Italianness , just as there is not about the South Africanness of the ANC .
2 this joke is not about the colour of skin , the fat and the thin
3 So this debate is not about saving foxes , it will achieve nothing for animal welfare it is not about the merits or otherwise of fox hunting , from which it diverts attention , it is about the county council seeking to make hollow gestures against their tenants ' rights .
4 It is not about the promotion of one particular kind of experience over another , for this only creates the kinds of divisions so obvious in the political and religious systems of today .
5 She said : ‘ Tonight 's vote is not about the Maastricht Treaty .
6 Moore insists that the statement that good is indefinable is not about the word ‘ good ’ but about the notion or object it denotes .
7 It is not about the behaviour of individual members of the Royal Family .
8 His latest book , written in 1990 , is not about the aftermath of the disaster as its English subtitle suggests .
9 Comedy is not about the jokes you tell , not just about how funny you even tell them , but simply about whether you 're funny or not .
10 WH : ‘ Our track ‘ Eastenders ’ is not about the TV show , it 's about …
11 Management in particular is not about the preservation of the status quo , it is about maintaining the highest rate of change that the organization and the people within it can stand .
12 For a refreshing change this book is not about the exploits of the Lancaster , but that unsung stalwart of Bomber Command 's early war years , the Whitley .
13 Khomeini is reputed to have told his followers : ‘ The revolution is not about the price of watermelons . ’
14 The struggle here is not about the implementation of democracy , but the upholding of democracy .
15 But a general election is not about the future of a single party .
16 Michael Clark , first secretary at the Canadian High Commission in London , admits to being " horrified " by some of the logging practices he has seen and says that the dispute between his government and the campaigners is not about the importance of conserving ancient forest but about how much of it should be conserved .
17 But the story is not about the animals .
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