Example sentences of "is not [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lord St John of Fawsley , chairman of the Royal Fine Art Commission , who , as Norman St John Stevas , was an early ministerial victim of Mrs Thatcher 's purge of the wets , has admonished the Prime Minister by reminding her she is not head of state ; treating her as such , his lordship suggested , would simply arouse public hostility .
2 This conflicts with earlier reports that Cu(I) gets incorporated into ZNO in the methanol synthesis catalyst ( but as Couves et al write , ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ ) .
3 He and his colleagues were understandably concerned about the lack of evidence to support the beneficial claims of holistic medicine , but Dr Richards , who thought much evidence could be produced if funds were available , sagely remarked that ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ , a remark that lingered after a discussion that would have been better if longer and better left to the end of this excellent series .
4 It is not part of Stone 's business to look at the condition of working people , but the illustrations in the book reveal very little about the thought styles that the privileged brought to marriage and divorce .
5 On such a view , in so far as pragmatics is concerned with context , it can be claimed that by definition pragmatics is not part of competence , and thus not within the scope of grammatical descriptions .
6 And so you have then a political system in which you , which you have a presidency er faced by a powerful legislature , a president who is not part of legislature but who has to lead the legislature without any significant controls over it a very difficult and demanding task .
7 If that is not proof of lack of investment , what is ?
8 Cellulose is not proof against attack and it was reckoned that a new car 's shine would be ruined in about two years .
9 The worst sin in an engineering material is not lack of strength or lack of stiffness , desirable as these properties are , but lack of toughness , that is to say , lack of resistance to the propagation of cracks .
10 The obstacle to disarmament in this case is not ambitions of superiority but the fear on each side of being tricked into a position of inferiority .
11 Is not dread of thirst when your well is full , the thirst that is unquenchable ?
12 It goes without saying that it is not £75,000 in respect of each but the total earnings ’ figure which must not exceed £75,000 .
13 Double-check you have got everything the right way round so that the artwork is not back to front , then close up the UV light box and switch on .
14 ‘ It is not sport for sport 's sake , ’ says Mr Hawkins , who is an ex-Harlem-Globetrotter , ‘ but a way of imposing a structure on undisciplined lives : in a sports team they turn up regularly , on time , in uniform , and train hard .
15 A sense of perspective can also be undermined in the other direction — is not pride in performance sometimes dangerously close to obsession ?
16 The problem is , the term Lamarckism has changed its meaning in the course of this century , and now Lamarckism , if you say Lamarckism to most educated people , the first thing they normally think of , is not evolution by will , or , or progressivism , but inheritance of acquired characteristics .
17 It is not management by consensus by any means , ’ says one former colleague .
18 The Vendor is not party in relation to the Business or subject to any contract , covenant , commitments or arrangement of an onerous , unusual or long-term nature or having any provision which might reasonably be regarded as material for disclosure to a purchaser for value of the Business nor is it party to any contract likely to be unprofitable or to any contract made otherwise than in the ordinary and usual course of business as now carried on .
19 It seems that it is not clarification of definition , tell that to the woman who looked for two , thirteen years after a stroke husband and they had to wait for his death , that you did n't sell him a dread disease policy because there is not clarification of definition .
20 It seems that it is not clarification of definition , tell that to the woman who looked for two , thirteen years after a stroke husband and they had to wait for his death , that you did n't sell him a dread disease policy because there is not clarification of definition .
21 Thus , while the risks of ERCP are relatively fewer , this is not grounds for complacency .
22 For I do not think it possible to study philosophy profitably without entering fairly deeply into the history of the subject , and for this there is not time at school , nor could it be a subject that would interest more than a very few pupils .
23 It is not time for Labour .
24 This is not value for money , we 're working with very , very needy people in our community .
25 There is no pain of loss in this doubt , no agonizing uncertainty , no straining desire for a solution : The desired goal is not recovery of faith but a respectable cover for retreat from faith .
26 It is widely recognised that it is not production of food but the low level of demand for food that is the problem for many and for varied reasons related to the forces and relations of production in which people are involved .
27 It should be stressed that it is not nearness to industry per se which drew agricultural wages upwards , but proximity to the expanding newer industrial regions .
28 It is not priority of occupation , but the power to utilise , which established a claim to the land .
29 ( b ) United Kingdom delegated legislation In terms of quantity , the most prolific source of legislation in the United Kingdom today is not enactment by Parliament .
30 This agreement is not agreement in opinion ; the concept of it does not enter into the language game ( 430 ) ; it is a prerequisite of agreement , or disagreement , in opinion .
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