Example sentences of "is at an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Content and Methodology Most of the training currently being offered is at an introductory level .
2 In the Lake District , mapping of the Lower Palaeozoic strata on the Cockermouth ( 23 ) sheet has been completed and fieldwork on the Ambleside ( 38 ) sheet is at an advanced stage .
3 The particularly complicated editorial and keying work on volume 8 of the Catalogue of Manuscripts Acquired since 1925 has made substantial progress this year ; the catalogue description is finished and the disc has been sent to HMSO , while work on the index is at an advanced stage .
4 The draft Structure Plan Review is at an advanced stage of preparation .
5 In a very small studio or one-roomed flat where space is at an absolute premium it would pay to build in multi-purpose furniture that would solve the problems of sleeping/working/eating and sitting all in one area .
6 Where the value of the intangible asset is at an all-time low , it may be possible to sell it to an IOFC operation and realise a capital loss in the selling location .
7 His credibility as EC President is at an all-time low just when he needs to tackle yet another crisis .
8 Public confidence in the judiciary is at an all-time low — hardly surprising , considering recent miscarriages of justice such as the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six cases .
9 ‘ Morale in the Inland Revenue is at an all-time low as a result of market testing and centralisation .
10 The Manila stockmarket is at an all-time high ; yet electricity power-cuts in the country last an average of eight hours a day .
11 He claims the problem is at an all-time high and that confiscated nets are finding their way back into the hands of poachers .
12 Badger-baiting is at an all-time high in East and North Yorkshire and it is estimated that each year in Great Britain as many as 9,000 badgers meet a premature death .
13 South Central LA is one of America 's civil war zones , a suburban ghetto torn apart by drugs , where the murder rate is at an all time high and almost all the victims are black .
14 Morale in the service is at an all time low .
15 The frequent battle between parents and child when the latter is at an adolescent stage of self-assertion while the parents — or one of them — strive to retain the old family structure is a case in point .
16 We both agree that he should be able to offer favourable terms for the hire of the slope for the proposed event , provided it is at an off-peak time .
17 If it is at an elegant dinner table , there is a choice between a fino sherry ( or a manzanilla ) or champagne .
18 Though the diplomatic courtship is at an early stage , the Foreign Office is optimistic about such a marriage of convenience .
19 This picture of antislavery support is at an early stage of a shift towards the objective of emancipation ; the completion of the transition took several more years even for abolitionist leaders .
20 Care management is at an early stage of development in Britain but , if the experience in the United States is anything to go on , we can be optimistic that the system will promote for the recipient a better coordination of services and a better quality of community care .
21 Decomposition is at an early stage and he 's a heavy , bony type with no fat to speak of . ’
22 Although seismic acquisition is at an early stage a number of attractive leads have already been recognised and these leads will be matured and tested during 1993 .
23 Research at the University of Leeds , in collaboration with Imperial College , London , and the National Engineering Laboratory at East Kilbride , is at an early stage , and it may be 10 years before practical applications for supercritical water are developed .
24 Mr Ritchie has been told by legal counsel that this new evidence in their opinion provides substantial grounds for Mr Lang to order a retrial or a full reinvestigation of the case , but assessment of the appeal documents is at an early stage .
25 The field is being actively investigated and is at an exciting stage ; computational chemists have entered the fray .
26 The service has developed significantly and is at an important stage whereby several major clients are considering adopting the Rentokil approach to facilities management .
27 Custom manufacturing , where the product is at an earlier stage of development and they work with the client in scale-up and production .
28 Judged by the frequency of meetings and the flow of formal Cabinet papers , full Cabinet activity under Mrs Thatcher is at an historical low .
29 My visit in February ( a report is forthcoming ) showed me that Northern Spain is at an excellent stage of development to be used as a test bed for software .
30 It is at an opposite pole to The Turn of the Screw , where every detail advances the tragedy .
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