Example sentences of "is at [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 John Paris , in his biography of Davy published in 1825 , wrote : ‘ I have been able to present to the world a complete history of those proceedings which have so happily led to discovery of which it is not too much to say that it is at once the pride of science , the triumph of humanity and the glory of the age in which we live . ’
2 It denies at once the sovereignty of the State , and that more subtle doctrine by which the State is at once the master and servant of law by willing to limit itself to certain tested rules of conduct .
3 It is at once the strength and the weakness of Justinian 's law that its grasp of principle is slack : a powerful command of principle had led the classical lawyers to develop a finely worked system ; yet , that done , they were entrapped in it and helpless against its inadequacies .
4 There is a fundamental ambiguity , however , in the protagonist 's relation to language : the levelling of meaning and the abolition of distinction is at once the device used by parody and the effect it attacks .
5 Imagination is at once the source of all hope and inspiration but also of frustration .
6 b ) contain a training component which is at least the equivalent of YTS standard .
7 b ) contain a training component which is at least the equivalent of YTS standard .
8 b ) contain a training component which is at least the equivalent of YTS standard .
9 With the United Nations there is at least the opportunity to start , to work together in new ways on issues that really matter .
10 Now , one can not have what I have called a ‘ would-be belief ’ that something is x unless there is at least the possibility of taking the thing to be x .
11 While this may not mean they are preventable , there is at least the possibility of fortifying the individual against their effects .
12 Some ( often analysts ) would argue that if more information is included there is at least the potential to meet everyone 's needs ; if information is restricted it is certain that some people will not have what they want .
13 On installation however , Unix is again ahead , and is at least the equal of NT in intra-family portability , an area in which Microsoft 's superiority would normally be assumed .
14 Many people find that they drop their meditation practice or whatever it is at precisely the time when they think they need it most — i.e. when they are feeling most stressed .
15 The practical transfer function is very close to unity for the required direct component of the potential difference if low-loss reactors are incorporated yet is very tiny at the ripple frequency if is made very small compared with the ripple pulsatance ( 200π for full-wave rectification , since the ripple to be smoothed is at twice the mains frequency ) .
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