Example sentences of "is that [pron] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Legal aid is not available in any form for industrial tribunal hearings erm so what I usually say is that we assist the client up to the stage where s it means going er to the tribunal itself .
2 A good answer is that we regard the causal circumstance as leaving no room for any other eventuality than the effect .
3 It its a big task , em er the thing is that I think that that the first point of call is one is that we get the questionnaire out and see whether you know the one where can we can the questionnaires to all the neighbourhood watch is it , w w we prepare the questionnaire and we get on and send it out , right .
4 So what I propose is that we put the notion of happiness back in its box and restrict ourselves to the word ‘ happy ’ , which people do in fact use in everyday circumstances .
5 With children , the presupposition is that we take the responsibility until they show us that they want it ; with adults we assume that they take the responsibility unless they show us that they do n't .
6 The key is that we take the issue seriously .
7 God 's goal for every Christian is that we develop the character of Christ .
8 What is certainly important is that we maintain the support of our investors ( who in fact own the company ) and satisfy them that their investment objectives are being , or will be , achieved .
9 So as you said the danger is that it 's not balanced for our delegates and the ideal is that we want the combination of all four .
10 You see the thing is that we want the economy to pick up .
11 In this process the danger is that we destroy the inner reality of that which we appear to be preserving .
12 One of the great pleasures of the north-east is that we attract the second-largest amount of outside investment after Wales .
13 You know , you can grow bananas in Scotland if you want , the reason why you can do that is that we have the technological know-how in order to do that .
14 The other even more pressing reason is that we need the cash ; we 're running an overdraft and that 's not funny with these interest rates . ’
15 Erm , our best estimate is that we need the six hundred and eighty six thousand that we 're committed to , plus another two hundred and seventeen thousand in terms of additional staff to deal with the additional demand as it comes in .
16 The trouble with our system is that we overdo the disqualification and pay insufficient attention to requalification .
17 What erm happens is that we obtain the toxin from erm from the from a serpentarium .
18 A weakness of many low-cost colour inkjets is that they use the colour cartridge to produce black by applying 100 per cent cyan , magenta and yellow .
19 A feature of all these quotes is that they conflate the social and the personal ; Vicky , for example , argues that the arts are ‘ a waste of taxpayers ’ money' and then says ‘ I could n't motivate myself to do it ’ .
20 Perhaps some component of Pascal 's restless questioning was due to his displacement through recurrent ill-health , but what makes his questionings still worth reading , is that they confront the foundations of our existence and that despite the fact that he is sometimes seen merely as a Catholic apologist .
21 ‘ Sure they miss the money , but one of the most important things is that they miss the buzz .
22 The merit of separate qualified defences is that they focus the evidence and the legal argument , giving the jury ( in contested cases ) an opportunity to assess the defence , and giving the judge fairly precise guidance on the basis for sentencing : this might be thought to ensure that each defendant is dealt with more fairly , but the risk of confusing the jury in a contested case might tend to erode that protection .
23 The reason for their use is that they make the task of interpretation easier for the reader .
24 Part of the reason for this is that they make the interpretation of information derived from assessments unproblematical .
25 As we shall see in a moment , one significance of the parallel markets is that they make the Bank 's monetary control operations , at least in principle , more difficult and they do this in at least two ways .
26 The fact is that they hold the uterus open , which means that egg and sperm are allowed to unite , but the pregnancy is doomed because it can not be sustained without the uterus closing .
27 The problem with ‘ infant industry ’ and other import controls is that they protect the domestic producer , whether foreign or local .
28 The reason is that they deny the significance of speculative balances and argue that overwhelmingly money is held as a medium of exchange .
29 From the standpoint of constructivism , the reason why associationist-representational theories so spectacularly fail to capture the essence of thought is that they ignore the fact that every thought , like every action , has , at some level , a purpose .
30 The point of new methods with new messages is that they convey the sense of a new order ( or at least the decline of the old one ) .
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