Example sentences of "is for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seems to me therefore , without laying down the proposition that the Moray Firth is for every purpose within the territorial sovereignty , it can at least be clearly said that the appellant can not make out his proposition that it is inconceivable that the British legislature should attempt for fishery regulation to legislate against all and sundry in such a place .
2 The more normal situation is for every exchange of words to take place in a context which allows the verbal activity to be associated with other kinds of activity and other kinds of message .
3 What I would like to see , perhaps , is for every department in a secondary school to have a machine — every class , of course , to have a machine — and that 's happening .
4 The first thing to realize ( in Kant 's opinion ) about moral action is that it is action done out of respect for duty as such , that is for a system of categorical imperatives recognised as binding on every rational agent whatever his desires and feelings happen to be .
5 The energy deposited by a gravitational wave in a bar of mass M and length l is where the mean velocity v within the bar is for a wave of strain amplitude h and angular frequency ο .
6 B. Choice reaction time A modification of A is for a choice of buttons to exist ; the correct button must be pressed to extinguish the light or stop the sound .
7 ‘ What we must hope and pray for , me boys , ’ he said one night as they dined alone on salad and cold meat , Ellie being out at a concert , ‘ is for a state of some permanence .
8 Unlike Weber , therefore , who argues that in advanced industrialised societies representative democracy is for a variety of reasons the best available method by which to recruit political leaders , Schumpeter has little interest in recommending political participation for any reason .
9 VP is about what it is for a sentence to be significant rather than meaningless , while MP is about what it is for a sentence to have one meaning rather than another .
10 The second position is for a person in any relevant discipline interested in environmental issues relating to the production and use of energy .
11 This work is for a PhD with supervisors in the Education Department of the University of Edinburgh .
12 Since normal practice is for a member to be issued with paid-up shares , the member 's liability is limited to the extent that the shares which he or she has in the company are rendered valueless .
13 Suppose that the Bank 's forecast is for a shortage of liquidity in the monetary sector , that the monetary sector will recall some of its discount market loans and the houses will be forced to offer bills for sale to the Bank .
14 In January the OECD 's annual report declared : " The short-term outlook is for a continuation of disappointing trends . "
15 ‘ No more unlikely , surely , for a girl from Darlington than it is for a boy from the East End of London ? ’
16 planning applications and er er items relating to Poor Lane , er and also the traffic on Station Road later on , er I think it 's rather complicated to talk about all of these at at one go , because I know er different members of the public have come for different reasons and perhaps , for the moment , I 'll not ask for any comments about Mr Smith 's proposals on Poor Lane , er nor er comments about Station Road , er but I will ask you if you want to refer to planning applications , er we have three planning applications , one is to extend the car park behind the pub , one is for a change of plan to one of the houses on the development adjacent to us , er and the third one is er er the plans submitted by Grant Development at Thorney , erm , I suspect most comments will be about the last , er perhaps I should ask first if anybody wants to make any comments about proposals behind the reindeer in , or at Chapel cottage site , does anybody , er in the public want to mention those erm , well we will go on to the one at Thorney then , and you 're Mr Walker ?
17 If the proposal is for a change to an existing product rather than creating a new one , the starting point might be at stages 6 , 7 or 8 depending on the level of technical risk in the modification .
18 If the proposal is for a change to an existing product rather than creating a new one , the starting point might be at stages 6 , 7 or 8 depending on the level of technical risk in the modification .
19 What is unusual is for a number of neighbouring schools to pull together to set up what Anne Mountfield describes as an ‘ education innovation trust ’ .
20 The idea is for a number of undergraduates in science and engineering ( about 80 this year ) to assist teachers by working with small groups of kids in the classroom , usually helping with some form of practical work , answering their questions and guiding them , if necessary , through the experiments .
21 This is for a number of reasons .
22 I think this is for a number of reasons — feminism does tend to post racism as a sort of subsidiary of patriarchy for example .
23 Where the new asset(s) are depreciating assets such as fixed plant and machinery , the deferral is for a maximum of ten years .
24 My first truism is the one Aristotle used to say what it is for a statement to be true or false : ‘ To say of what is , that it is not , or of what is not , that it is , is false ; while to say of what is , that it is , or of what is not , that it is not , is true . ’
25 The default table is for a design in which there is no border around the table and just a line beneath the column titles and between each column .
26 For new cars the length of the agreement varies according to whether you buy on contract hire ( commonly known as ‘ lease ’ ) which is for a period of three years , or on hire purchase which can be between four and five years .
27 However , common sense dictates that for a boy of 14 to be away from home and unsupported with no income , home or friends , is a very serious , vulnerable and lonely situation for him to be in , especially when this is for a period of three months .
28 One of Boutros-Ghali 's most important proposals is for a strengthening of preventive diplomacy , particularly through the Chapter VI peaceful dispute revolution mechanisms of the Charter .
29 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS — Chandos has announced two important signings — Richard Hickox ( an announced in brief in a previous issue ) , and the BBC PO and new Principal Conductor Yan Pascal Tortelier ; Hickox 's contract is for a minimum of 27 releases ( nine per year ) including both choral and orchestral recordings .
30 Courses are for a minimum of 2 weeks with the exception of Executive Course IV which is for a minimum of 1 week .
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