Example sentences of "is make at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A SHROUD , is composed of a peculiar kind of flannel , woven on purpose , and called shrouding flannel ; it is made of a breadth and a half , full length , so as to cover the feet ; one seam is sewed up , leaving the other open behind , like a pinafore ; slits are cut for arm-holes , and plain long sleeves , without gussets set in ; the front is gathered at the waist , and drawn up into a narrow piece ; this is twice repeated , at intervals of three nails down the skirt , upon each of these gatherings , round the neck and at the wrists , a kind of border of the same flannel , punched at the edge in a pattern , is plaited , and an edging of the same is made at the bottom .
2 In order to gain automatic control of the trouble spot , namely the association between the pronoun and the verb ending , a system drill consisting of several substitution drills needs to be set up , in which the pronoun is kept constant ( and hence the verb ending ) , and substitution is made at the verb stem position .
3 As a method it demands prolonged looking and a thorough examination of the surface counters of an image before response is made at the depth counter level .
4 For most students , the decision to follow an arts path or a sciences path is made at the age of 16 , when choosing A levels ; for some students , it is made earlier , at 14 , or , for a very few students , those who have kept their options open , later , after A level .
5 Application for admission to honours is made at the end of the second year of study .
6 Application to honours is made at the end of second year .
7 For the MA ( except in Architecture ) the decision is made at the end of the second year ; students not proceeding to honours classes have the opportunity to complete a BSc(SocSci) in their third year .
8 For the MA in Architecture and the BCom the decision is made at the end of the third year , by which time the student should have satisfied the requirements for the general degree .
9 A final decision is made at the end of the utterance .
10 Thus , the Consumer Credit ( Exempt Agreements ) Order 1980 ( SI 1980 No 52 ) ( as amended ) which implements s16(5) ( a ) of CCA 1974 , provides , in the case of fixed sum credit , that the agreement is exempt if no more than four payments are involved , whereas , in the case of running-account , credit exemption is provided if full settlement is made at the end of each period of account .
11 Payment is made at the hospital each time you visit .
12 ‘ This is made at the monastery of Arkadion in Crete . ’
13 Usually , the contract will mention the fee , but this provision might be useful if the supplier takes on additional work at the request of the other party and no mention is made at the time of agreement of the charge for this extra work .
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