Example sentences of "is that for [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A further consequence , which has certainly met with some interesting results , is that for certain types of advertising campaign it is possible actively to involve the public .
2 What is certain is that for countless ages the greatest mountain range on earth will continue to form an impenetrable barrier to the terrestrial animals that live north and south of it .
3 Moreover , a point to bear in mind is that for many users of weekly collection credit it is not just one transaction ( with a relatively small money cost , in spite of its high APR ) but is instead virtually continuous indebtedness , with one transaction following closely on the heels of another .
4 The problem is that for many centuries there were a number of variant systems in which the year of grace began at different times — 1 January , Christmas Day , the Annunciation , Easter Day , and 1 , 24 and 29 September .
5 Of course , there are unions and parties within Japan which cut across enterprise identification , but the point made by Hirschmeier and Yui is that for many workers , for much of the time , the enterprise is a more strongly pertinent collectivity .
6 Another powerful reason why improved mud buildings are not catching on in the tropical Third World is that for poor families , housing is not the first priority .
7 The only concession to scale is that for obvious reasons the lift buttons are situated outside the cars !
8 The reason is that for several years to be pro-European meant to be pro-Maastricht .
9 Contrary to the all too common belief that ageing is essentially an unavoidable process of retreat , of withdrawal into passivity and dependence , the truth is that for most men and women later life is a time of active challenge : a time when perhaps more than ever they need to be able to respond imaginatively to change .
10 The fact is that for most children maths has been taught badly or rather they have learnt it badly for one reason or another , so there is a need for , for an improvement or a change , so the idea that if children can understand something this will help them to remember it or to make it more real to them , this does seem to be a shift over the last generation .
11 What is clear is that for different reasons the Nordic states were disinclined to pursue closer economic integration wholeheartedly , or were at least following their customary practice of slow and cautious deliberation to try to pinpoint and resolve in advance any possible difficulties .
12 If there is some consolation for bankers amidst all this destruction of value , it is that for some eagles practice makes better , if not perfect .
13 The problem is that for some letters the majority of features which occur in upper and lowercase forms ( like E and e ) are different .
14 As we shall demonstrate , the effect of the interaction of these various factors is that for some kinds of service , the elderly living alone obtain more support from the state than those living in other types of household .
15 The position on the particular issue to which the hon. Gentleman refers is that for some years now we have pursued the same policy that the money has been , in the formula applied , additional and is reflected in higher public spending plans , and that it is for the Commissioner to honour the pledge that we have had for years past .
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