Example sentences of "is not a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is not a function of a district council , which York is , to provide accommodation so they have an eviction policy for gypsies .
2 It should be noted that the trend of an increase in unemployment from about 5% to about 10% over ten years is sufficiently general to indicate that it is not a function of the style of government .
3 Bourne , creator of the original Unix Bourne shell command interpreter , believes that the fact that development of Unix operating systems is generally done in a handcrafted manner is not a function of the inherent diversity of Unix itself , but is a long-term software engineering problem .
4 The presence of normal or reverse polarity magnetizations is not a function of the magnetic phase dominating the remanence .
5 They are , first , that history is a sequence of cause and effect , whose course is to be grasped not by imagination but by intellectual effort ; secondly , that theory does not create practice but is created by practice ; and thirdly , that politics is not a function of ethics , but rather , that ethics is a function of politics , and morality is the product of power .
6 As Dr Johnson observed : ‘ sounds are too volatile and subtile for legal restraints ’ ( Bolton , 1966 : 152 ) , and the history of English phonology is not a history of the standard at all , but a history of vernaculars .
7 It is not a history of diagnosis or treatment but of policies and institutions and their relationship to theories of the child mind .
8 It is enough to say that that is not a proof of the counter proposition that outside the three miles no such result could be looked for .
9 A strong association , however , is not a proof of causation .
10 She is , above all , Joyce 's central recognition , exultant recognition that yearning is not defeat and identification is not a proof of some fatal inner yielding to the pull of mediocrity .
11 Despite some earlier hesitations , it is now certain that A commits the tort of intimidation against C if he threatens B with conduct which is unlawful in relation to B and thereby intentionally causes B to act ( or refrain from acting ) in a way which causes damage to C. It is not a requirement of this tort that B's conduct be in any way unlawful in relation to C. An old illustration is Garret v. Taylor , where the plaintiff was the lessee of a quarry and alleged that the defendant had ‘ disturbed ’ his customers and his workmen by ‘ threatening to mayhem and vex them with suits if they had brought any stones . ’
12 Leadership of the project team would probably go to one of the more senior members in the hierarchy , but this is not a requirement of the matrix structure .
13 In keeping with the analogy , Campbell holds that the variations are ‘ blind ’ — that we come up with a particular hypothesis is not determined by our current experience , is independent of whether the hypothesis is in fact going to prove true or successful , and is not a correction of previous unsuccessful hypotheses .
14 ‘ The recommendation by arbitrators is not a reflection of the true economic situation and thus can not be a base for a solution to the conflict , ’ said Rudolf Seiters , Interior Minister .
15 The neglected appearance of so much crofting land is not a reflection of current under-use , but of too intensive use in the past , when land was put under the plough , or rather the spade , which no one who had freedom of choice would ever have broken in .
16 This would suggest that curiosity is not a by-product of intelligence , as we might expect , but rather an essential property of life .
17 These writers argue that the oppression of women by men is the most important aspect of social inequality in society , and that men 's exploitation of women is not a by-product of any other form of inequality .
18 Such irony is not a by-product of war .
19 The conclusion that could be drawn from this argument is that is not a phoneme of English , but is an allophone of several different vowel phonemes when those phonemes occur in an unstressed syllable .
20 John later wrote , ‘ I gather from your letters that army life is not a bed of roses ?
21 For Durkheim , comparison was the most important method of sociological analysis : ‘ Comparative sociology is not a branch of sociology .
22 ‘ There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that we will win , ’ he says .
23 It seems that Constanze supplied Mozart with the sexual fulfilment he needed , and , although rumours abounded at the time , and have continued ever since , that both husband and wife took other lovers , there is not a shred of evidence to support such a theory .
24 There is not a shred of evidence that fearsome beasts were ritually slaughtered in the arena or lissome slave-girls routinely sacrificed on the altars of scowling deities .
25 Dr Reid , author of a book on the Orkney case , claimed : ‘ There is not a shred of evidence of any form of abuse , physical or sexual , since the children 's father was taken out of circulation . ’
26 " The source of the problem , " argues Beer , " is not a lack of knowledge , but the structure of the situation , which continues to have compelling force even when participants recognise its tendencies .
27 Is not a separation of Spenser 's literary preoccupations with The Faerie Queene from his political preoccupations in A View the result of later critical directions which disliked presenting literary texts as political — especially when the politics is of an insupportable type within current liberal democracies ?
28 She is not a member of the Communist Party .
29 The NCT is not a member of the campaign .
30 Oman is not a member of OPEC but is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC ) and is thus sensitive to the interests of other Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia .
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