Example sentences of "is that [adj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A second reason is that wider economic consequences may be better dealt with by other branches of economic policy : for example , regional policy can be designed specifically to deal with localized unemployment problems , R&D policy to deal with the promotion of R&D and the protection of intellectual property rights .
2 The answer is that greater corporate profits may be made by releasing assets by sale of machinery , land and buildings , and by investing them in another sector ( e.g. offices ) , or by building or re-equipping another , substitute factory elsewhere .
3 And as for Mr Willi Stoph , the former prime minister , a major mark against him is that 100 different brands of whisky were found in his cellar — in other countries that would be admired .
4 The argument is that serious sexual assaults , and the attitude of many men towards them , derive from a male-dominated approach to sexuality in which aggressive sexual behaviour by males is praised or condoned whilst women are associated with passivity .
5 The ‘ conservative ’ estimate of one bank is that 55 billion dollars wafted northwards from Latin America between 1977 and 19836 .
6 Whilst external social factors may be of some relevance to the management , even control , of the behaviour of those afflicted , the harsh fact is that external social influences play little part in its onset or progress .
7 The best hope is that all 4,650 observers will be in place by April 20th , three weeks too late .
8 Union policy is that all new posts should be advertised and the process must be taken seriously .
9 One of the reasons for believing that cross-species extrapolation is possible at all is that all living animals have evolved from common ancestors that existed at some time in the distant past .
10 ‘ The decisive factor on this issue , oppression , in my view , is that all such burdens upon [ the appellants ] in complying with the order are plainly and comprehensively outweighed by the reasonable requirements of the administrators upon the facts of this case to have access to the documents listed in the order .
11 The fact is that all developed societies undergo processes in which professions and occupations proliferate and become more specialised and we then have to evolve means of ‘ getting it all together again' , in this case , ensuring that the patient or client does not suffer as a result of our separate functions and roles .
12 As the likelihood of restricting drivers to eight km/h for all but the shortest distances appears remote , the implication is that all shared-space areas must be for small groups of houses only or short culs-de-sac .
13 The second reason why the CAP can not survive is that all practical considerations are subordinated to political expediency .
14 My own opinion is that all cold-blooded animals are endowed with responsive behaviour that can be mistaken for higher intelligence , when what we are really dealing with are reflex actions to given stimuli — as in Pavlov 's dogs , which salivated when a bell they associated with food was rung .
15 Our first rule is that all raw materials must be from a known and identifiable source .
16 The principal recommendation is that all listed companies registered in the UK should comply with a code of best practice for corporate governance .
17 ‘ Oh , I was just thinking what a pity it is that all good-looking men are such beasts , ’ she said , with more real feeling than she intended .
18 that they thought they could develop and hav hold events on , and er , he said , like we , we came up with some good ideas , put forward some ideas , really good ideas , for things to do on this land , and he said , the trouble is that all these councillors back on to these pieces of land , and he said , er , they do n't want people coming along and enjoying themselves on it , because they want to go and walk their labradors on it .
19 The chief thing to remember is that all these soups — unless otherwise specified — must be made with plain water .
20 But the most surprising fact about this is that all these events took place during the deposition of a single graptolite zone .
21 ‘ The best thing is that all these features do not spoil the look of , or even dominate , the appearance of the house .
22 Halliday 's view is that all linguistic choices are meaningful , and all linguistic choices are stylistic .
23 The answer is that four important things depend upon the passing of property .
24 What is clear is that such private desires were not sealed off from the world of public representations .
25 Indeed , one of the key points about Berger and Mohr 's study is that such moral careers are being partly constructed by capital 's requirements for a cheap workforce and one which can be dismissed in line with fluctuating demands for the products they make .
26 The key to ethnomethodological and phenomenological interpretations of ‘ doing ’ routine ( qua ordinary ) police work , is that such interpretative processes and practices are employed in a routine ( qua taken-for-granted ) manner .
27 A further suggestion that flows from this is that such evolutionary considerations lend support to a competing grammatical paradigm — that of Montague grammar .
28 The main difficulty is that such heavy feeders are easy to overfeed and are capable of quickly fouling the aquarium water .
29 The truth is that such huge figures have a hypnotizing effect on the victims and arouse a defensive incredulity among those supposed to provide the money .
30 The second possibility McTaggart considers is that two mental states ‘ belong to the same self when , and only when , the same living body ( or what appears as such ) stands in a certain relation of causality to both of them ’ .
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