Example sentences of "is not [adj] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is not self-evident that all clarifications or developments of the laws of war have to take the familiar form of multilateral conventions .
2 We might accept , for instance , that labouring on property should give the labourer some preferential interest in it ( for example , a right to the value added by the work done ) , but it is not self-evident that any particular set of more extensive rights is warranted .
3 But it hardly supports the conclusion which , without further ado , Berkeley draws from it : that it is not possible that sensible things ‘ should have any existence out of the minds or thinking things which perceive them ’ .
4 But it was argued by the trade unions that the exceptional circumstances of such pilot schemes permitted these " fantasies " : It is not probable that any attempt will be made in London or Edinburgh to reduce the women 's prices , so long as the movement has the sympathy of the benevolent public , but when left to compete by themselves with establishments conducted on commercial principles , the temptation to resort to this course might prove irresistible .
5 It is not accidental that Japanese manufacturers have become eager converts to robots and automation .
6 The hand that copied the music was certainly of thoroughly professional quality , but it is not impossible that any of the named persons could have acquired such a hand , or , indeed , been a professional copyist .
7 If both parties benefit from an agreement it is not necessary that each also suffers a detriment .
8 When you bear in mind that a 256 colour image at 1024 by 768 pixels is 768K in size then it is not surprising that ordinary monitor controller cards simply can not redraw the screen image with any speed .
9 Given this level of joint working it is not surprising that 83 per cent of DGMs agree that " it would be better all round if this DHA and FHSA merged " .
10 Given the fundamental importance of demography for any assessment of a pre-industrial economy , it is not surprising that economic historians have pressed the surveys into service ( historians of medieval England have done the same sort of thing with Domesday Book ) as sources of demographic data .
11 Moreover , with such confidence in the methods of science it is not surprising that educated men of the second half of the century were immensely impressed with its achievements .
12 It is not surprising that involuntary unemployment may be long term .
13 In the light of this , it is not surprising that upper-class Indian mimicry of the British lifestyle — the clubs and golf courses , the social etiquette and refinement — now appear incongruous to the point of schizophrenia .
14 Since and expresses so many connective meanings and as it is so frequent in speech it is not surprising that young children sometimes overuse it in their writing , as in this piece by an 8 year old boy :
15 It is not surprising that political activity by working-class city dwellers has declined sharply in recent decades .
16 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
17 By far the majority of the packages have been developed for the microcomputer , and with this sort of equipment increasingly available in schools , especially in the UK and the USA , it is not surprising that that medium is becoming popular .
18 So , leaving aside for a moment the difficult question of whether to accept the kind of association between kinship system and technological level postulated by Morgan , Marx , and Engels , it is not surprising that modern anthropology reveals no such association between technology and kinship terms .
19 Thus it is not surprising that other people tend to underestimate their abilities and personal qualities .
20 The larger the group the greater this tendency , argues Olson , and thus it is not surprising that amorphous groups such as consumers , or even economic classes , do not unite in common action to pursue their interests .
21 Given that suspended particulates have been the subject of pollution control policies dating back to the nineteenth century , it is not surprising that total emissions and average urban concentrations of particulates have decreased markedly during the past few decades .
22 So it is not surprising that each field-worker tries to select an unstudied people , or if that fails , a community whose present circumstances render them acutely interesting for ‘ theoretical reasons ’ .
23 It is not surprising that many inmates want to give up their appeals .
24 It is not surprising that many people , some of whom may have seen the equity in their homes rise tenfold , should decide to spend more .
25 It is not surprising that many Primary teachers at this time gave up trying their own hand at teaching the subject , leaving more and more to the ‘ expert ’ .
26 Considering the additional confusion caused by much industrial nomenclature , with many trivial and trade names , it is not surprising that many formulators prefer to stick with what they know and trust .
27 It is not surprising that many give up fishing at an age when they should be at their peak , with a true set of values and the all too rare ability to enjoy themselves even when fish are not being very cooperative .
28 A recent report of the Institute of Directors on the professional development of directors ( 1990 ) led a spokesman to say that ‘ it is not surprising that many boards do an adequate rather than an excellent job ’ ( quoted in The Independent , 1990 ) .
29 It is not surprising that many citizens ‘ banned and cursed her ’ , nor is it wholly surprising that there were some among them prepared to give her money to go on a pilgrimage to the shrine of St James of Compostella in Spain .
30 It is not surprising that many fish breed at this time , although cooler , fresh water is part of the trigger .
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