Example sentences of "is the [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Where soft sedimentary rocks have eroded away , leaving harder boulders and ample crevices with loosely embedded rocks , is the best habitat for the myriads of fascinating creatures .
2 Gough is the best man for his job and both full backs , Dave McPherson and David Robertson , are pacy and good in the air .
3 No-one can argue against or overstate what Sgt Wilko has done in this area , that 's why I believe no-one around could have done a better job , and why he is the best man for the future too .
4 What I want is the best government for Rhodesia . ’
5 ‘ I think that is the best way for England to play .
6 There are also strong arguments , however , to suggest that a more pluralistic decision-making process is the best way for society and organisations to operate .
7 ‘ Durham County Council and Labour know that it is the best way for children to start their educational life . ’
8 ‘ Durham County Council and Labour know that it is the best way for children to start their educational life , ’ he said .
9 The training office is based on the idea that hands-on experience in running a realistic office under the guidance of a tutor/supervisor is the best preparation for productive work .
10 It is time — once again — to say that Iain Murray 's endpiece in your magazine is the best tonic for jaded admen , marketing gurus , stray nuns , roller-skating PR hooligans and other assorted readers of your organ that could possibly be devised .
11 In 1978 , he told five youths who tied up a 14-year-old boy as a target for their catapults : ‘ What is the best sentence for you really would be to have you tied to a tree and everybody throw stones at you .
12 The CNAA , in the words of one commentator in 1971 , was far from perfect , ‘ but it is the best procedure for devising innovative courses we have found so far ’ .
13 ‘ As for the County Council 's wish for the WHR freehold , we believe the course suggested by the High Court for the Ffestiniog Trust to seek the Amending Order is the best safeguard for the future of the WHR , and we have made it clear to the Council that we would respect their wishes concerning footpaths , cycle tracks and so on . ’
14 The size and volume of the contracts secured is the best safeguard for the future of the coal industry .
15 Integration is the best hope for both .
16 He says Labour 's commitment to manufacturing industry is the best hope for the future .
17 Poetry is the best medium for this sort of thing , he says .
18 The tragedy of the industry was that they had won the battle only by turning their back on the price mechanism : a procedure for resource allocation which , arguably , is the best medium for the decentralisation of decision making to firms in the modern economy .
19 Erm , but I do believe who is the best person for the job .
20 My top objective is to get on board because I believe she is the best person for the job .
21 In response to the general assumption that the Netherlands is the best location for a holding company , Luxembourg has recently introduced a very similar regime .
22 ‘ We know that the French way of eating and drinking wine is the best passport for good health . ’
23 ‘ But under the Moon is the best home for us now .
24 Hierarchy is the best structure for getting work done in big organizations .
25 So , what is the best treatment for the patient with a solitary cerebral metastasis — biopsy and radiotherapy , or surgical excision and radiotherapy ?
26 Caroline 's comment : Faith is right to think that breast or formula milk is the best choice for Jake until he 's a year old although cow 's milk can be given from six months .
27 It is the best choice for tourers and cross-country enthusiasts because of the kicking heel-raise which can be accentuated to help with climbing on skins and increase elan when gliding across flat sections .
28 In six patients , however , HBV-DNA disappeared from the serum but quickly reappeared after discontinuation of therapy , indicating that persistent absence of HBeAg is the best indicator for termination of the viral replicating phase .
29 In short , instrumentalism ( the use of organisation to personal ends or the ends of close kin ) is the best tactic for self-advancement .
30 ‘ I mean , she must realise this is the best chance for me .
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