Example sentences of "is [v-ing] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The views of his Ministerial colleagues , not least the Prime Minister , will be of particular relevance whenever a subject overruns departmental boundaries and the Home Office is competing for Parliamentary time .
2 I would , before passing on the next part of our programme , I would like to warmly thank Judy and Simon and Richard and Tony , not only for their presentations , their carefully thought out presentations to give us as broad a span as possible of how they see the priorities , what is happening at this time , but for everything else they do in leading their teams and initiating so many of the exchanges that take place , which adds so much , as has been said by , both by Judy and by other speakers , to carry N C V O forward .
3 THE Government is living on borrowed time , Liberal-Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown warned .
4 Bill Walker , MP for Tayside North , said : ‘ He is living on borrowed time . ’
5 Bull reckons its systems integration business is growing at three times the market rate and claims to be the fourth largest systems integration business in Europe .
6 British Gas is selling at eight times earnings while British Telecom commands a 9.5 rating .
7 The British tourism trade is going through tough times according to industry leaders .
8 Mr Marian Calfa is pleading for more time on the grounds that he has been given an even longer list .
9 ‘ Compute performance is increasing by 1.7 times every year , while bus bandwidth is going up only by 1.3 times .
10 Also , because teeth are on display , treatment usually contains an element of risk and — especially where a dog is aggressive towards its owners or third parties — it must be individually tailored to the family , taking careful account of how the dog is behaving at all times .
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