Example sentences of "is [v-ing] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its use is helping to create a change in the nature and pattern of industries , as shown in the next chapter .
2 Jamie 's father is helping to organise a protest group , which may yet take Thames Water to court for damages over the cryptosporidia contamination .
3 The Bank of England is struggling to finance a budget deficit running at 8% of GDP .
4 He is struggling to overcome a thigh injury and has seen his form slump as Liverpool suffer their worst start for 39 years .
5 Four of Howard 's Marine players are included in the HFS squad , although midfielder Jon Gautrey is struggling to overcome a knee ligament injury suffered in the weekend victory over Worksop .
6 Bruges are without suspended midfielder Alex Querter , while Gert Verheyen is struggling to overcome an injury .
7 With some innovative thinking on the way new energy taxes are applied , Mr Lamont might even give a helping hand to Michael Heseltine , the President of the Board of Trade , who is struggling to find a way out of the controversy over plans for pit closures .
8 ‘ It 's going really well and everybody is enjoying making an effort for such a worthy cause , ’ he said .
9 ELVIS Presley 's only child is bidding to become a rock star .
10 All are currently co-owners of a mysterious consulting firm called Pol-Nippon , a Polish-Japanese joint venture that , among other things , is bidding to build a refinery and port near Gdansk .
11 Having finally decided that it does want to get into the merchant semiconductor market , IBM Corp says it is looking to arrange a number of semiconductor industry alliances , with the aim of becoming a world top 10 company in chip sales .
12 There needs to be a facility whereby one is automatically informed that the entry at which one is looking has a cross-reference to it in another part of the dictionary , and whereby one is immediately given a display of this cross reference ( or all of them , if there are several ) if one wants to check it .
13 If the employer is looking to make a judgement on a candidate 's power of invention and imagination then such a question may be relevant but this is open to question if he is seeking to appoint a solid contracts officer .
14 The University of Strathclyde is seeking to appoint a successor to Professor Sir Graham Hills , who retires from the office of Principal and Vice-Chancellor in 30 September 1991 .
15 This is particularly critical at a time when the agency is seeking to implement a report prepared by a team of management consultants which emphasises the importance of ‘ seizing the challenge of change ’ in a deliberate bid to alter the direction of the organisation .
16 The interviewer is seeking to interview a sample of housewives on an estate about , let us say , the work-day pattern of wives who work only within the home .
17 It is as if one is seeking to give an answer to the question : What advantage does morality bring ?
18 CHELMSFORD MP Simon Burns is seeking to prevent a ban being imposed on cathedrals and churches selling guidebooks to visitors on Sundays .
19 If the hon. Gentleman is seeking to make a charge against me , he must make that charge equally against the chief veterinary officer for raising that issue in the first place .
20 He is seeking to impose a method .
21 The Arsenal manager , facing up to the worst sequence of League defeats at Highbury for 16 years , is refusing to become a hostage to the reputations of what he calls ‘ name players ’ .
22 Although Paul is training to become an instrument designer , his sights are now set on an engineering post .
23 The new government , with strong Tsarist influence , is pretending to fight a war to defend the republic when all it is really defending is its aim of conquest and profit .
24 A further problem emerges if , as in Belfast , the fieldworker is attempting to fill a quota of individuals divided into specified categories ; this can often be frustratingly difficult .
25 The European Commission is reviewing banking charges within the Community and is attempting to establish a system of cross-border transactions at reduced cost .
26 But this will be to no avail if the choreographer is attempting to tell a story and does not have expert advice from musicians of the calibre of Edwin Evans , Constant Lambert and John Lanchbery .
27 A much less demanding condition is one in which the saboteur is attempting to damage a plant about which he has little or no technical knowledge .
28 Second , as with the health care sector , the government is attempting to develop a market for social care by separating the responsibility for those who purchase care and those who provide care .
29 SunSoft Inc is going to open an office in Taiwan in support of the local Sparc cloners .
30 Now he does not tell her that he is going to put a knife to that child 's throat and burn his body to ashes .
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