Example sentences of "is [vb pp] that [noun pl] have " in BNC.

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1 It is said that Arabs have no compunction about reneging on a deal , that they will blow hot and cold , use the phrase ‘ God willing ’ to suit their own purpose , say ‘ yes ’ when they mean ‘ no ’ and generally confuse their more direct Western counterparts .
2 It is said that MPs have not had many letters about the case , in which three businessmen nearly went to jail for doing what the Government had encouraged them to do .
3 Less obvious is the misguided logic it offers , for , if it is accepted that blacks have the natural ability and talent to do well in sports , then it can do no harm to encourage their participation in sport .
4 The TUC 's response to such criticisms has been characteristically heavy-handed : McIlroy was barred from teaching on TUC courses , and it is alleged that attempts have been made to stifle debate .
5 There are obvious attractions in affording the Registrar an additional weapon in the form of a penalty recoverable by civil suit to which there is no defence once it is shown that accounts have not been delivered on time .
6 It is known that Rottweilers had been imported prior to the Second World War , probably by German and Dutch immigrants .
7 Although it is known that Hains had genuine and legitimate professional links with Georges Rudier , the nephew of Rodin 's own bronze-founder , Alexis Rudier , further investigations still have to determine how Hains came to acquire original Rodin plaster casts .
8 A full explanation of why it is believed that contributions have been over-paid , the amount and the period involved , and the names and NI numbers of the people concerned should be included .
9 Although it is assumed that birds have not a highly developed sense of taste , both tits and blackbirds , despite any flamboyant coloration to attract them , recognise Sturmers as worthy of attention , and those out of reach , when harder weather prevails , will , as in former winters , attract both fieldfares and winter-visiting blackcaps .
10 In the United States it is assumed that citizens have the right to know and it is up to the government to prove in court that certain types of information should not be disclosed .
11 ( It is assumed that members have read them . )
12 Unless it is submitted that prisoners have , on entering prison , surrendered all rights over their own bodies , in which case medical experimentation on them would be equally lawful , the case can not stand as authority for the proposition that there exists a duty , even as regards prisoners , far less at large , to prevent someone from refusing food and , a fortiori , medical treatment .
13 The first is traditionalism , by which is meant that Conservatives have an attachment to established customs and institutions , and , as a corollary , a hostility to ‘ sudden , precipitate and revolutionary change ’ .
14 For it seems that some assurance is required that societies have and must have this structure .
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