Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [prep] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any action by the teacher which is deemed an offence is retaliated against without question .
2 Each Chorus is commented on in turn .
3 The strength of the civil service culture is commented upon by Hennessy who suggests that , after three decades of travelling up the hierarchy , senior civil servants become indistinguishable from each other :
4 Next in seniority come the Circuit judges ( often referred to as County Court judges when they are sitting in that court ) each of whom is referred to as Judge So-and-so .
5 Since there is no letter ‘ B ’ in Greek , Sophie B Hawkins is referred to as Sophie The Sausage Hawkins in that country .
6 Gastric secretion thus corrected is referred to as Vg and is measured in ml/h .
7 Each is referred to as Lord So-and-so .
8 Each is referred to as Lord Justice So-and-so .
9 At this stage the healing area is reddish in appearance and is referred to as granulation tissue .
10 Hence the reason why it is referred to as Truth force , or Soul force .
11 A woman who has never been pregnant is referred to as nulligravida ; a woman pregnant first time as primigravida , and at later pregnancies as multigravida ( see pregnancy order ) .
12 By contrast , the analysis of the meaning of collections of sentences is referred to as discourse processing [ Grishman , 1986 ] .
13 Thus when veins R2 and R3 fuse , as in Anisopus ( Fig. 34 ) , the cell situated behind the vein RQQ is referred to as cell R3 , and not cell RQQ , cell R2 having disappeared .
14 Thus , a cell resulting from the fusion of cells R and M is referred to as cell R + M. The advantage of this relatively simple system of nomenclature is evident in the so-called discal cell , a term used in at least four separate orders of insects with reference to a different cell in each case .
15 For example , he is referred to as Father , as Person , as One who acts and who shows love , power and justice .
16 Throughout the reigns of his son and great-grandson he is referred to as Ring Edward ‘ who lies at Gloucester , but it remains a mystery as to whether the body which lies in the splendid tomb there is his or not .
17 A more general equilibrium also requires the total demand for money to be equal to the total supply of money : this is referred to as equilibrium in the money market .
18 In contrast , the knowledge of the rule system , which an individual needs in order to be able to produce and understand grammatical sentences , is referred to as language competence .
19 Next come judges of the High Court each of whom is referred to as Mr Justice So-and-so .
20 This is referred to as extinction .
21 This procedure is referred to as item analysis .
22 It is referred to by Hippocrates ( 300 BC ) , who regarded the penile discharge as a sign of impending cure of the disease .
23 It is referred to by Byron in Don Juan .
24 The first is the world of terror and death ; the second is referred to by Hitlerites from Germany and elsewhere as the world of barbarians .
25 The loftier tone of these words blends with a certain tendency to affectation ( the gallicism gants de Suede ) , and to euphemism ( payment is referred to by terms and remuneration , the child 's ill-health is glossed over in the noun weakness and the negative phrase " not robust " ) .
26 The general principle on which response-cost is based , is referred to by psychologists as negative reinforcement .
27 One of the regions adjacent to Surrey which is referred to in Frithuwald 's charter is Sonning , the province of the Suningas in east Berkshire , and it is possible that one of the three sub-kings who witnessed with Frithuwald ruled here , in which case Wulfhere 's presence in Berkshire was already established at the time of Frithuwald 's grant .
28 But I do n't think reference has been made to a document that is referred to in P P G one , namely the doc the white paper , This Common Inheritance , er D O E document , and in that there 's a clear indication that this question of a new settlement erm should be considered , paragraph six point four eight reads , however well urban land is used , there will continue to be a need for building on greenfield sites , it is important that new housing on such sites is carefully placed to preserve the open countryside , and respects the quality of the landscape .
29 The first of these two studies is referred to in Kinmond and colleagues ' paper as showing a reduction in the incidence of periventricular and intraventricular haemorrhage with delayed cord clamping .
30 This practice has been followed for over 300 years at High Bridge End , St. John 's in the Vale , and until recently at Adamthwaite in the Howgills , and it is referred to in Langdale also .
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