Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because it is calculated that a retained crew might take four minutes to get to the station the computer calculated other stations could respond quicker .
2 Fostering Society awareness at a local level can be a great help — stamping membership cards in areas was suggested — From the objectives stated in our Development Plan in the first year , it is calculated that the minimum Membership needed for 1987 will be 3,300 — and the responsibility for recruiting the majority of this must rest with our Q.T. 's — the burden can be eased by working together on local projects and targets have been set for each area to reach by the end of this academic year .
3 This is explained when the nominal amounts paid out are adjusted for inflation , ( Table 8.5 ) .
4 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
5 Today , of course , it is recognized that no real success can be achieved by a therapist working alone ; the patient 's full co-operation is essential .
6 It is recognized that the current account deficit and associated capital inflows to the USA must eventually be corrected .
7 It is recognized that the everyday work of monitoring and negotiating is itself an expression of the agency 's legal mandate , and the legal rules about pollution may occasionally be invoked as part of the process of securing compliance .
8 Although it is recognised that performance review must be tailored to local circumstances , generalisations can be made and it is intended that a good practice guide be drawn up based on experience to date .
9 It is intended that a full scale study of Scottish agriculture will follow this pilot project .
10 It is intended that an adequate play area will be provided in the same vicinity within a specially landscaped area between the Bypass and Westburn Grove .
11 It is intended that the reclaimed land should be used for agriculture , as opposed to its present use as seasonal cattle ranching .
12 It is intended that the main part of the investment programme will be completed by next year , with the remainder phased over a further two years .
13 Both items were reported 150 years after Augustus ' death by the traveller Pausanias ( 8 , 46 , 5 ) , who says that the ‘ keepers of the wonders ’ note that one of the boar 's tusks is broken while the surviving tusk is kept in the Emperor 's Gardens in a Sanctuary of Bacchus and it measures just three feet long .
14 We do have this process where we can edge-glue the broken pieces so when a piece is broken and a previous glazier put in a piece of lead we can edge bond instead
15 Need it be a matter of wonder , when we see her capable of such restraint in general , that she should retire within herself and exercise that control we find her continually exerting over all her thoughts and actions the more energetically at a time when she is taught that a stray thought of desire would be impurity and its fruition pollution .
16 A star is formed when a large amount of gas ( mostly hydrogen ) starts to collapse in on itself due to its gravitational attraction .
17 A hypocycloid is formed when the rolling circle is inside a master circle .
18 An epicycloid is formed when the rolling circle is outside a master circle .
19 God is banished and the spiritual dimension to life , if there is one , is simply an aspect of human personality which human beings create for themselves .
20 This is a reasonable result when it is recalled that the metric components correspond to the classical gravitational potential ( Section 4.3 ) .
21 Ordinary shares are not particularly attractive unless the offeror is listed and the new shares will also be admitted to listing .
22 White never used to be a predominant Goshiki colour , but now it is realised that a snow-white base admirably sets off the other shades .
23 Once a Bill or a proposed measure requiring parliamentary approval enters the lists and it is realised that an environmental impact assessment must be produced , and once it is decided to commission an environmental impact assessment it becomes public property .
24 The plan will be implemented regionally and it is realised that the regional priorities may vary from the national .
25 No , as long as the child is treated and the general hygiene measures outlined above are followed there is no reason to keep a child off school .
26 Space is limited and the only other tank I have is a 21″ cube and I ca n't put him in there because it contains two small G. jurupari , a pair of G. brasiliensis , a pair each of Crenicara filamentosa , Cichlasoma sajica and Butterfly Rams , and an Ancistrus .
27 A reset button is also provided , which is pressed if the charging light fails to illuminate .
28 ‘ That 's fine when the help and support is there , ’ said Rachel coolly , then , allowing her eyes to meet his , she said , ‘ It 's when that support is withdrawn that the real tragedy occurs . ’
29 Thus , the enumeration tree is completed and the optimal solution of the TSP is the tour of length 20 given above .
30 Nuln is sacked and the Moot devastated .
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