Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In determinist terms , this is explained by the virtually infinite complexity of different constellations of different causal variables in individual cases .
2 This is explained by the much greater propensity of IT specialists to carry on their studies ( three times more likely ) ;
3 The same kind of point is illustrated by ( 19 ) , except here it is more likely that it is the notion of full luminescence which is explained in the more familiar terms given in the reformulation : In these examples , the speaker 's aim in reformulating an utterance is to enrich the hearer 's encyclopedic entries in order to ensure a greater understanding of the surrounding discourse or text .
4 This is compounded by the relatively high level of psychiatric morbidity in areas such as Southwark and by a 11% reduction in NHS funding resulting from a new weighted capitation system , which is diverting money from inner south London to Kent and Sussex .
5 The back foot is placed on the leeward side of the board with a number of factors ( such as the weight of the sailor and the length of the board ) determining where you place it .
6 A pan is placed beneath the lowest sieve to retain the ‘ fines ’ which pass through the entire column .
7 Therefore , the light is situated above the more powerful Fluval 3 , where both heaters are sited .
8 Even more significantly this teacher goes on to express the view that this approach is not incompatible with the examination system , where in the context of the GCSE , the personal and professional experience the tutor has of each student 's progress and development is counterpoised with the more objective and detached assessment of the external moderator .
9 is regarded as the most expensive grain in the world , and is n't really a rice at all but a type of grass .
10 With its large population and massive dependence on foreign exchange from oil exports Nigeria is regarded as the most vulnerable of the OPEC countries and has constantly battled to increase its production quota above the 1.3 million barrels per day laid down by OPEC .
11 The actual implementation of an innovation is regarded as the most important part of the study .
12 SIR , — I disagree with F. O. ter Kuile and colleagues ' conclusions ( April 24 , p 1044 ) about the anti-malarial drug mefloquine , which is regarded as the most effective such medication at present .
13 More importantly , they show how , even in what is regarded as the most basic type of communication , the context that is relevant to the disambiguation of deixis should be seen not as a physical setting that is fixed and given once and for all , but rather as a cognitive space that is actively constructed by participants in the course of the interaction .
14 Seals make up a large part of the diet of the great white shark the beast which terrified movie-goers in Jaws and is regarded as the most dangerous shark species .
15 A duty , payable in meal for having grain ground at the local mill known as multure is listed in the earliest known rental of Islay , which is dated 1626 .
16 What is more certain is that middle age is punctuated by the very precise point of the menopause — precise in time but not in effect .
17 An equally studied absence of deixis is sustained in the exceptionally rhetorically structured Sonnet 129 : ‘ The expense of spirit in a waste of shame/Is lust in action ’ .
18 LEADERS of the five TUC-affiliated ambulance unions will meet regional representatives today to ensure that action is sustained in the nearly 13-week dispute , but to stifle any calls for escalation .
19 The work previously published by Andrews & Evans ( 1983 ) on mammalian carnivores is expanded here for comparison with the avian predators , and the conclusion of these authors that small mammalian carnivores are not significant contributors to the fossil record is sustained by the more detailed work .
20 This , which is exposed at the very lowest tides , consists usually of a 300–500 m ( 1000–1600 ft ) wide surface of dead coral and debris partly cemented with encrusting algae .
21 This type of physical abuse is limited to the more extreme forms of witchcraft and satanism .
22 There are even reports that this hair is gathered by the more discriminating kinds of birds to build their nests !
23 One system that gives rise to exponentially weighted moving averages is constructed so that greatest weight is given to the most recent observation , the weights applied to previous observations diminishing period by period by a constant factor , a .
24 He has to do much interviewing and paper work , and his advocacy is confined to the comparatively small cases .
25 This becomes clearer if it is considered from the more general perspective of post-modernism which has been widely characterized as involving a return of history , albeit as a category of representation .
26 is the result of much searching and is deemed as the most suitable for the angler .
27 The cottage is set on the highest ridge of the Chiltern Hills and is surrounded by the most glorious countryside .
28 The hydrogen atom loses its electron , becomes positively charged and is attracted to the negatively charged electrode , called the cathode ; the oxygen gains an electron and migrates to the positive electrode , the anode , this migration of ions forming the current .
29 Peter Brown , chairman of the Thomas Coram foundation , said : ‘ Unless the human imperative of individual dereliction is addressed alongside the more visual investment in environmental dereliction , and however well we spend it this means more money , the country will find itself in a downward spiral of inner-city social decay that could well substitute Drug Alley for the Gin Lane of Coram 's and Hogarth 's day . ’
30 This is clear evidence that religious output , despite some criticisms of its style and approach , is by no means the anathema for viewers that it is supposed from the purely commercial viewpoint of some broadcasters .
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