Example sentences of "is [adv] at [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 Wordsworth also inherits from Locke an intense concern with the visible universe ; although Locke tries to explain all kinds of sensory experience he is most at home with the sense of sight , which could most easily be related to Newton 's optical discoveries .
2 Ostensibly a social misfit , he is most at home with his new books , old records and middle-aged pet Labrador .
3 Having said that , however , I have to say that from a Christian point of view the Hayekian ( or Friedmanian ) system is fundamentally at variance with what I conceive of as a Christian view of reality .
4 Not too much should be read into this kind of loose terminology , since it is greatly at variance with the vocabulary customarily employed by Soviet diplomats , officials and academics .
5 Its Academic Affairs Committee began its draft response — ‘ Since the document is generally at variance with CDP policy , the Academic Affairs Committee felt unable to recommend its acceptance by CDP ’ .
6 Rollin is thus at variance with Regan who argues that all research involving harm to animals , and this includes killing them painlessly , must be stopped ( 1983 : 397 ) : ‘ If nonanimal alternatives are available , they should be used ; if they are not available , they should be sought ’ ( 388 ) .
7 It is utterly at variance with this to adopt what Andrew Wilkinson has nicely described as the role of ‘ the teacher as self-appointed proof-reader …
8 Notwithstanding the popular appeal and political capital to be derived from such a humane-sounding statement , this definition is nevertheless at variance with the traditional understanding of the meaning of punishment .
9 He is still at sea with the silver I gave him to discover fresh treasure .
10 Whilst the nation is still at war with itself , whilst the security forces stand accused of supporting Inkatha members in attacks on the ANC at Boipatong , now , as Mick Cleary asked in RW&P in January , ‘ can anyone say ( now ) that there will be no violent backdrop to the 1995 World Cup ? ’
11 His conception of the ideal institution is clearly at variance with the real competitive environment in which the BBC exists and from which it draws its sustenance .
12 It is also at war with the ‘ Herodian ’ Sadducees .
13 It is necessary to bring the wood to a moisture content which is nearly at equilibrium with the environment in which the timber is going to be used for if this is not done one must expect warping and shrinkage .
14 Her owners run boarding kennels so the pig is perfectly at home with dogs .
15 Her owners run boarding kennels so the pig is perfectly at home with dogs .
16 The electoral system itself , which favours first and second parties , increasingly produces a distribution of seats in the House of Commons which is sharply at variance with the actual pattern of votes cast .
17 English Nature 's analysis is sharply at variance with the view of the Department of the Environment , which has identified only nine SSSIs at risk .
18 The Crown ought of course to offer the statement to the defence if the statement is materially at variance with the maker 's evidence in court , but in this regard the trial judge has to rely on the Crown 's discretion and propriety .
19 This is strangely at variance with your own published figures : Peugeot 605 SRdt 33.3mpg overall , 0–60mph in 12.8secs , top speed 114mph ; Citroen 2.0SD 32mpg , 12.4secs and 116mph ; Rover 825D 36.2mpg , 11.7secs , 116mph .
20 Ethernet was n't the first LAN standard , but it was the first that could claim to be non-proprietary ( many vendors sell Ethernet-compatible adaptors ) , cheap ( thanks to its use of readily available , low-cost cabling — telephone-wire twisted pair or TV-aerial co-ax ) , and flexible ( Ethernet is equally at home with small starter systems and huge network layouts ) .
21 Professional Draw is equally at home with creative or technical illustration and the interface shows that a great deal of thought about usability has gone into it , although the sheer weight of features and refinements for precision illustration make it a complex package to master at first .
22 The load torque is TL and the peak static torque is TPK , so if the motor is initially at rest with phases A and B excited the static position error ( 8 , ) is given by Eqn .
23 Some positively conflict by setting off a train of thought which is quite at variance with the message the audio track carries .
24 The struggle systematically to open up the domestic and intimate relations of the normal kin-based nuclear household is premised on the belief that what is chiefly at fault with the conventional family household is that it is excessively closed and rigid .
25 He is completely at home with the English language and our literature and humour .
26 The theory requires a low preglacial sea level , which is completely at variance with the conclusions of most Pleistocene research workers .
27 neighbour of Krook 's who , with her friend , Mrs Piper , leads the gossip in the court where they all live and is occasionally at variance with Mrs Piper over the behaviour of their respective children .
28 ‘ Any suggestion that the one-day internationals do n't matter as much as the Tests is not right and is certainly at variance with the way the players view it . ’
29 It is certainly at variance with the constitutional practice —
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