Example sentences of "is [adv] in [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Restricting property assessments to just eight bands with a top level of , in effect , £320,000 is blatantly in favour of those privileged , wealthy occupiers whose homes have a value of anything between £650,000 to £20 million — and that includes many staunch Tory supporters .
2 Dr Ranganathan was one of the most brilliant and imaginative figures the profession has seen ; his Colon Classification went through many revisions and new editions , and is widely in use in his own country , yet elsewhere it is admired but , for good reasons , not employed .
3 A way forward seemed to have emerged some decades ago with the school of " facet analysis " developed from the work of Dr S. R. Ranganathan , whose revolutionary Colon Classification is widely in use throughout India .
4 The management information system should indicate what is most in need of investigation .
5 Most of them do all they can for the elderly with their limited resources , but if your parent is badly in need of a telephone and there is no way of your managing to install it for her , you should bring every possible pressure to bear to produce some speedy action on his or her behalf ; for sudden illness , and the need for medical attention , does not wait for lengthy negotiations and committee work to rumble on indefinitely before it puts in an appearance.With very few exceptions , blaming individual social workers for delay in providing any particular service is usually an unfair and useless exercise , for they are only part of a large organisation and if things go wrong an approach to the local Director of Social Services is the best course of action .
6 ‘ This will be the boost this region is badly in need of , ’ he said .
7 His signing is wholly in line with Anfield tradition .
8 The total picture is incomplete , partly because not everyone who is disabled is necessarily in receipt of a pension or special welfare service and many of those on the disabled persons employment register , for example , include those with mental handicap as well as those with physical disabilities .
9 Assistance Publique 's responsibility as the community hospital system for the poor of Paris is constantly in danger of being overwhelmed by its newer role as the country 's leading provider of tertiary referral services .
10 Elected government is constantly in danger of being discredited by episodes which expose its relative impotence compared to these , great agglomerations of private and unaccountable economic power .
11 Princess Daisy is constantly in danger on the Nintendo screen .
12 ( Station Lane where the water authority has been installing a pipe is especially in need of repair . )
13 This is somewhat in contrast to the photographs of former collaborator George Sutkus which provide the unpopulated settings , the places which the onlooker can choose to inhabit .
14 MOSTLY C'S : You are in prison ( for stealing a handbag , phone box , and the attempted manslaughter of your mother-in-law ) where your gift for Latin is greatly in demand by those scouring law books .
15 There is also a simple desire to enhance one 's own well-being by widening the contrast with another 's distress ; and this too attracts towards his viewpoint , since it is only in awareness from other personal or temporal viewpoints that one 's well-being is experienced as relative arousing envy of another 's happiness or nostalgia for one 's own in the past .
16 Hence it is only in respect of private companies that problems are still likely to arise when their articles provide , as they frequently do , that ‘ the company shall have a first and paramount lien on shares , whether or not fully-paid , registered in the name of a person indebted or under any liability to the company . ’
17 Nevertheless object-words or names , on their own , despite their intrinsic " completeness " , are strictly void of significance , and it is only in combination with certain predicative symbols — viz. certain one-place , or more-than one-place , predicables , as the case may be — that they produce meaningful wholes .
18 Despite plans for market integration in Latin America and between the United States , Mexico and Canada , it is only in relation to the European Community that integration can properly be discussed at present .
19 Hence today such schemes will rarely lead to the creation of a special class of share ; it is only in relation to their allotment , financing , and provision for re-purchase by the company or the trustees of the scheme that there will be special arrangements which the Act facilitates by exclusions from the normal restrictions on purchase of own shares and on the provision of finance by a company for the acquisition of its shares .
20 When all the possible beneficiaries are of full age and under no disability ( such as that of an infant or lunatic ) , they may put an end to the trust by requiring the trustee to transfer the property to them or to dispose of it according to their directions ; and this is so in spite of any direction to the contrary in the settlement , such as a direction that payment is not to be made to a beneficiary till he reaches the age of 25 .
21 Overall , the tone is highly positive ; certainly it is so in relation to the impressions created by some other women in the sample .
22 In general terms , Gassendi 's notion of such ‘ hidden things ’ or ‘ natures ’ is entirely in accordance with tradition and the contemporary usage of his time .
23 It is entirely in accordance with common sense , so long as common sense is intelligently applied .
24 There may be a certain exaggeration in the statement that Napoleon had offered a reward for the taking of ‘ the English incendiary ‘ Kvinn or Quin ’ who had been responsible for the burning of three French battleships in the Gulf of Villefranche last year ’ but the sixteen year-old 's behaviour while in prison in Toulon is entirely in keeping with what we know about him :
25 This is entirely in keeping with the theoretical debate over academic freedom which we find in the literature .
26 Peter Eustace is entirely in charge of team affairs here .
27 However , as will be seen , this position is entirely in line with a view of Englishness which identifies it with a non-industrial or pre-industrial past .
28 The Committee 's position on the nature of the English school within universities is entirely in line with this narrow viewpoint , and the same is true of their approach to examinations and research :
29 It is perhaps in recognition of the awkward position of English law that exceptions have been made to the marital-rape exemption in recent years .
30 ( For the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with the word , a ‘ pash ’ is a schoolgirl crush based largely on admiration , usually from afar , and a sub-sexual affection which is less in search of requitement than of acknowledgement , however minimal . )
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