Example sentences of "is [adv] [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Dr Ranganathan was one of the most brilliant and imaginative figures the profession has seen ; his Colon Classification went through many revisions and new editions , and is widely in use in his own country , yet elsewhere it is admired but , for good reasons , not employed .
2 It is most at home in a coldwater tank , although it was popular in tropical tanks before the wide range of plants we have now was available .
3 It is this which is most at risk in children with limited hearing .
4 It is rather like competition in the market place , only the costs of failure are very much higher , involving violence and anarchy .
5 Ironically we find that this mixture of heathenism and paganism is rather like living in the primitive church .
6 It seems that the Third Law of Aerodynamics is especially at work in this case .
7 Now if you calculate how much the final value of £1 saved for 93 years is , you find it is only worth £1,103 in 1900 prices assuming an average of 6% inflation .
8 This is only of benefit in big events where the skill and fitness of the top sailors are all very similar and it is the state of mind that matters .
9 Evidently , this particular specific dictionary is only of use in recognising text from its own domain .
10 , c ( 7500 is only for use in the case of hi-jacking ) .
11 Although the 20 cm square shaft has been known about since 1882 it is only with developments in recent technology that it has been possible to explore it by means of a video camera mounted onto a mini robot .
12 It is only through consciousness in action arising out of the contradictions of the real relations , that any transformation of either class consciousness or economic relations will come about .
13 For the belief that ‘ there is no occasion too small ’ is naturally at home in a society that resists any ranking of certain human and civic occasions below or above certain others .
14 Pilots and controllers in the Channel Islands understand one another 's problems very well and in a way which is perhaps without parallel in British civil aviation .
15 And that cirrus-strewn sky is much in evidence in the show .
16 In this way , nineteenth-century imagery is comfortably at home in the factual discourse , describing , not the imperial system ( which ‘ we ’ in our wisdom gave away ) , but contemporary international capitalism .
17 This change is already under way in what used to be the most clearly defined of all departments — research .
18 The Sigma ( above ) has a 0.5ins higher roofline , and door pillars and window frames to European taste , unlike its sister Diamante model , which is already on sale in Japan where it has a six-month waiting list .
19 The SU ( 5 ) model is already in difficulty in dealing with the creation of particles in the early Universe .
20 Telidon is already in use in several commercial view-data systems in Canada but this is the first big broadcast operation .
21 National Power was an early user , and the VC7000 is already in use in other major commercial and government establishments .
22 During the preparation of the proposal , key members of staff are encouraged to visit schools where the project is already in action in order to gain ideas and learn from the experience of others .
23 Severe drought is already in place in the Rio Grande do Norte state , where water supplies are becoming exhausted , and there is now the danger of a famine across vulnerable areas of the north-east .
24 Service Call is already in place in six sites in Darlington and Newton Aycliffe .
25 The ban is already in force in one production area , it 'll apply to the whole factory from the end of the month .
26 In spite of the fact that the Russian parliament suspended the agreement on Russian territory , an interdepartmental commission , which includes Russian officials , is still at work in Minsk sorting out claims between the former republics of the USSR .
27 A ‘ DIETARY supplement ’ known as B15 , that is regarded as potentially dangerous by US health authorities , is still on sale in West Germany and Britain , says the EEC 's environment commissioner , Hans Narjes .
28 The horn was taken to Caprington and is still on display in the castle .
29 Their trial is still under way in Milan .
30 The Artificial Intelligence Language ( the name is only temporary ) is still under development in Irvine , California , but last week New Scientist was given a demonstration of it .
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