Example sentences of "is [adv] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When we come to power , my dear Schiller , ’ Frick had concluded , ‘ we shall return what is rightfully theirs to those who have supported us .
2 I am trying to find work but there is just nothing at all .
3 And one of the things we must n't do , in fact , is to assume that erm our seventeenth ancestor is just ourselves in funny clothes .
4 By the time I reach it , at this time of year , the house itself is usually nothing but one or two lighted windows in the darkness , with perhaps my wife and daughter ( see separate headings ) visible inside .
5 White-water rafting , walking , climbing , tennis , golf and swimming either in pools or lakes are all available and if you want to travel with your family , there is genuinely something for all ages .
6 Whether a country has a codified constitution is hardly something of great importance to the political scientist .
7 Levine contends that these tracts , even as they confidently sermonize on the fixed nature of identity , especially gender identity as prescribed by God and signified through dress difference , display a deep anxiety that identity is not fixed ; that , underneath , the self is really nothing at all ( ‘ Men in Women 's Clothing ’ , 126 and 128 ) .
8 It is gratifying that , whereas 10 years ago only one in nine of visitors to Northern Ireland was a pure holiday visitor , the figure is now one in five .
9 It is now one in five .
10 In summer there is often plenty of wet weather too .
11 The answer , in institutional terms , is almost nothing at all — and this is precisely the problem .
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