Example sentences of "is [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Restricting property assessments to just eight bands with a top level of , in effect , £320,000 is blatantly in favour of those privileged , wealthy occupiers whose homes have a value of anything between £650,000 to £20 million — and that includes many staunch Tory supporters .
2 The information is mostly of concern to the crew in the pilot 's cabin , who will then make the necessary course , altitude and speed corrections , and note items of equipment which may need a maintenance check , once the aircraft has reached its destination .
3 Dr Ranganathan was one of the most brilliant and imaginative figures the profession has seen ; his Colon Classification went through many revisions and new editions , and is widely in use in his own country , yet elsewhere it is admired but , for good reasons , not employed .
4 A way forward seemed to have emerged some decades ago with the school of " facet analysis " developed from the work of Dr S. R. Ranganathan , whose revolutionary Colon Classification is widely in use throughout India .
5 Wordsworth also inherits from Locke an intense concern with the visible universe ; although Locke tries to explain all kinds of sensory experience he is most at home with the sense of sight , which could most easily be related to Newton 's optical discoveries .
6 Ostensibly a social misfit , he is most at home with his new books , old records and middle-aged pet Labrador .
7 It is most at home in a coldwater tank , although it was popular in tropical tanks before the wide range of plants we have now was available .
8 And generally it is the case that the personal security of the part-time reserve police is most at risk of all the members of the RUC , because of the difficulties of maintaining three identities ( police officer , member of family and neighbourhood network , and employee ) , with their associated and sometimes conflicting modes of discourse and thinking .
9 Of course , it is the active , more independent person who is most at risk of falling , and it has to be borne in mind that the prevention of all falls is not an appropriate objective in the care of elderly people .
10 It is this which is most at risk in children with limited hearing .
11 The management information system should indicate what is most in need of investigation .
12 ‘ My wife bought me a small kit to try out using wool — which is rather like painting by numbers — and I have not looked back since . ’
13 It is rather like competition in the market place , only the costs of failure are very much higher , involving violence and anarchy .
14 Living in France … is rather like walking round a national exhibition , entering one fantastic and beautiful structure after another , the Lévi-Strauss Palace , the Derrida Daedalus , the Lacan Labyrinth , the Kristeva Construct , the Barthes Pavilion , the Planetarium showing the Sollers System .
15 Ironically we find that this mixture of heathenism and paganism is rather like living in the primitive church .
16 But for language learners to learn only the intricacies of the device without knowing how to put it to use is rather like learning about the delicate mechanisms of a clock without knowing how to tell the time .
17 It is rather by way of explanation for what followed Ridge .
18 Most of them do all they can for the elderly with their limited resources , but if your parent is badly in need of a telephone and there is no way of your managing to install it for her , you should bring every possible pressure to bear to produce some speedy action on his or her behalf ; for sudden illness , and the need for medical attention , does not wait for lengthy negotiations and committee work to rumble on indefinitely before it puts in an appearance.With very few exceptions , blaming individual social workers for delay in providing any particular service is usually an unfair and useless exercise , for they are only part of a large organisation and if things go wrong an approach to the local Director of Social Services is the best course of action .
19 ‘ This will be the boost this region is badly in need of , ’ he said .
20 As the cyclist who organised the commuter challenge , I agree with Bernard Povey ( letters , 5 July ) that the route from Currie to the city centre is downhill for part of the way .
21 His signing is wholly in line with Anfield tradition .
22 It will be appropriate to end this discussion by recognizing the fact that it is fundamentally on account of Christ 's maleness that still today , throughout the greater part of Christendom ( and in countries where women now play a leading part in public life ) , women may still not be ordained .
23 Having said that , however , I have to say that from a Christian point of view the Hayekian ( or Friedmanian ) system is fundamentally at variance with what I conceive of as a Christian view of reality .
24 The total picture is incomplete , partly because not everyone who is disabled is necessarily in receipt of a pension or special welfare service and many of those on the disabled persons employment register , for example , include those with mental handicap as well as those with physical disabilities .
25 In the current commuting age , when there are diverse calls on people 's time and energies and the countryside is constantly under pressure from urban development , the village community is anxious to retain the village 's rural character , whilst acknowledging the need to attract and maintain a balanced community .
26 Assistance Publique 's responsibility as the community hospital system for the poor of Paris is constantly in danger of being overwhelmed by its newer role as the country 's leading provider of tertiary referral services .
27 Elected government is constantly in danger of being discredited by episodes which expose its relative impotence compared to these , great agglomerations of private and unaccountable economic power .
28 Princess Daisy is constantly in danger on the Nintendo screen .
29 Recreation is less important for the welfare of animals than the other three as this part is basically for enjoyment of visitors only .
30 It seems that the Third Law of Aerodynamics is especially at work in this case .
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