Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] as the " in BNC.

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1 Sub-littoral is mostly known as the submerged seas over the Continental Shelf ( see diagram ) .
2 Bentham ( 1748–1832 ) is properly regarded as the founder of utilitarianism .
3 What we seek is school management which more fully reflects this diversity of opinion , rather than what is widely seen as the inflexible dogma of the current approach .
4 This self-actualization ( " becoming your best self " ) is widely seen as the most valuable benefit of college study .
5 It may be noticed that insensibility both to moral appeals and to appeals to one 's future interests , imprisonment within both ‘ I ’ and ‘ Now ’ , are often combined in the same person , and that the combination is widely accepted as the strongest criterion for classing him as ‘ psychopathic ’ and exempting him from moral judgment .
6 At Marlborough College , where he runs what is widely recognised as the best art department at any school in Britain , his students have repeatedly achieved the highest A-grade results in the country .
7 We are lucky in this country that we have some of the better zoos , and indeed host what is widely recognised as the best , Jersey .
8 The Shedd is widely regarded as the most advanced oceanarium in the world .
9 Mr Gould was under pressure from front-bench colleagues last night to declare his candidature as soon as Mr Kinnock makes his decision public , in an attempt to head off Mr Smith , who is widely regarded as the favourite .
10 Lavenham is widely regarded as the most complete example of a medieval town with its superb timber-framed houses , medieval street pattern and market place .
11 Burger King is widely regarded as the quality fast food hamburger restaurant chain .
12 Control is widely defined as the ability to exercise a decisive influence over a company by any means .
13 Our present minister for finance , Mr Klaus , is widely known as The Playboy .
14 ‘ Wisden ’ is widely hailed as the cricketers ' bible , but it has barely progressed beyond Chronicles ( the match reports ) and the Book of Numbers ( the records section ) .
15 He is delighted and yesterday said : ‘ This is extremely good news because it is imperative that the cathedral has the ability to maintain its justifiably high standard of music , and a new organ is badly needed as the existing one is now beyond repair . ’
16 Because of the limited recruitment and early retirements in recent years , most of their teachers will come from what is loosely known as the ‘ Sixties generation ’ .
17 The 1693 quarto is loosely described as the ‘ second edition ’ , but strictly speaking it is a reissue of Q1692 : sheets remaining from the original print-run , spruced up for sale after a decent interval .
18 Called the ‘ great light ’ in the Doctrine of Vibration , it is figuratively described as the ‘ sun of individual consciousness , bathing the entire Universe in its radiance .
19 In fact , it is basically seen as the professionals banding together to protect their own — especially so when set against the various Royal College of Surgeons ' statements that testing of patients after operative accidents is reasonable whether or not the patient agrees .
20 It is interesting to note that only the Irish anthem is played in Dublin and that at Twickenham God Save The Queen — not any other specifically English song or anthem — is rightly played as the National Anthem .
21 The Blackpool Tramway is rightly claimed as the first and last street tramway and unique in many other ways .
22 Yet this action ( 25 May 1810 ) , by creating a creole government , is rightly celebrated as the birthday of an independent Argentine Republic , although formal independence was not to be declared until 1816 .
23 He is justly regarded as the earliest master of the German solo song with keyboard — Positiv or Klavizimbel — accompaniment .
24 The city is somewhat isolated as the administrative heart of Germany , but the surrounding region is culturally well endowed .
25 Andy Garcia is somewhat under-used as the man who claims the fame and million-dollar reward as the ‘ hero of Flight 104 ’ .
26 Trustee Bradford Eastman Phillips , retired president of Totes rain gear company and a member of the $1 million-plus club , took title to the Great Hall , which is henceforth known as the Phillips Hall .
27 One of these , the Blacksmith s Arms , is familiarly known as the Bombers , from its wartime associations with Melbourne airfield , built partly on Seaton Ross Common .
28 In later days it became fashionable to see Chaplin as a political rebel against Hollywood 's factory methods but he is better seen as the last of the old-style showmen offering a highly polished product to the masses that he felt he knew so intimately .
29 Les never made it , but he 's no stranger to the wearing of shorts : the sub is better known as the FRUITBAT , third from the left in the front row of the pic .
30 The first of these , from Beeches Road , Cirencester , is better known as the " Hare mosaic " .
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