Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As these figures are identical to those given for the Amytal test by Rasmussen and B. Milner ( 1975 ) it is presumably these data to which he refers ) .
2 The Jacuzzi Slot , grade III+ ( technical ) , is only 4 ft to the left of the Twisted Tongue , grade IV+ .
3 The letter concluded : ‘ We will only add this land is on an eminence with plenty of fall for water with a small Rivulet running through the same , is not subject to any Tax for paving , cleansing and lighting but is lighted and watched at the expense of the Turnpike Trust and the Kings Tax in the parish of Saint Pancras is only two pence in the pound — these circumstances so favourable to building need no comment .
4 So , for example , although there is only one species of brown trout in Northern Europe there are more than 50 distinct types which have evolved as the populations have been isolated .
5 There is only one species of orang-utan and two races .
6 It is only one species of the term of years absolute ( defined in the Law of Property Act 1925 , s205(1) ( xxvii ) ) .
7 Put another way , 25 per cent of the population are spread over 90 per cent of the land area , or that while the average density is 2.4 people per hectare , the median density is only 0.5 people per hectare .
8 22 ) Reduce the space between the two uprights so there is only 400 mm between them .
9 you 've got erm three , three and a half percent say per annum , er plus erm a superbonus which is perhaps five percent of additional bonuses , so it looks better but it is n't really .
10 The DD-1 is approximately 178 mm x 102 mm x 20 mm in size and weighs 550 g without its NiCam rechargeable batteries .
11 Credit scoring , he said , is just another means of controlling the credit risk .
12 For example , the Royal Edinburgh Hospital is just 3 km from the city centre in a pleasant residential area ( Morningside ) , and Gartnavel Royal Hospital is on the edge of Glasgow 's equivalent suburb ( Kelvinside ) .
13 When the aircraft is more that 10° off the bearing , the needle will be stationary , full over to the left or right of the OBS dial .
14 Erm the actual percentage of the ingredients used over the first year erm is about five percent for water , twenty three point six percent for the bottle , I 'll explain that later that 's quite high , the cap is four percent , one percent for the gassing , erm one percent for the case , two point seven percent for labour , four percent for transport , a general overhead would be about seventeen point one percent .
15 With most kinds of cardboard the greatest practicable size of frame is about 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm .
16 It is about two people in love after all . ’
17 The crater is about 1.280 km across and about 175 m deep .
18 It dropped from an annual increase of 15 people per 1000 until now , when the increase is about 3 people per year for every 1000 already in Britain .
19 The map symbol for a stone circle is about 0.75 mm in diameter , the symbol for a standing stone is a dot possibly only 0.1 mm in diameter .
20 Our average is about 50,000 people through our exhibition , ’ he explained .
21 Also bear in mind that the eventual target speed for this is around 160 bpm for each crotchet , which for most people will obviously take a lot of practice to achieve .
22 Whereas the average radiation exposure per person from all sources in the United Kingdom is around 2.5 mSv per year ( 3.6 mSv in the USA ) , enhanced radon exposure in the granite areas of south-west England raises the average level there to 7.8 mSv , with some individuals experiencing 20 mSv in a year ( Clarke and Southwood , 1989 ) .
23 They are typically 1–20 m across although much greater dimensions occur ; the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe averages 6–8 km across and is over 500 km in length .
24 This is over forty percent above the level in Labour 's last year .
25 One other body deserves mention , though it is very small fry in the financial stakes .
26 Well you see he said that the problem with the college site is very few people at the college know how it runs .
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