Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is most annoying to have unintelligible chattering somewhere behind you whilst watching the fish or beating the eggs .
2 The person with a healthy Inner Face is the one who is most able to form good relationships with others ; he does not feel that he has to put on an act to impress yet neither does he feel superior to those with whom he comes in contact .
3 Careful photographic recording is most important to support subjective descriptions , but this has problems in itself ( see below ) .
4 Likewise , the teacher is most motivated to study educational problems when pursuing his own problem defined in his own language .
5 Because men more commonly become ill and die before women , it is the wife who is most likely to become unofficial nurse .
6 This unit auto-senses the mains voltage , and adjusts accordingly , so is most likely to benefit international travellers .
7 It is this last uncertainty which influenced both Conrad ( 1979 ) and Meadow ( 1980 ) in suggesting that an MCE form of signing is most likely to satisfy deaf children 's needs .
8 As Britain 's only national pop music station at present , Radio 1 is most likely to interest aspiring rock and pop musicians , so I will explain its workings and policies in some detail ( although much of what is said about Radio 1 will also be applicable to Radio 2 ) .
9 Thus , all this study seems to tell us is that it is rather dangerous to evaluate rectal intraepithelial lymphocytes in terms of enterocyte nuclei ( Fig 4 ) .
10 It is rather important to prolong important climaxes , rather than let them slip away quickly , by holding them over an adequate period , through word repetition , musical extensions , etc .
11 It is arguably best to face right to make height to surmount it .
12 The CNAA is constitutionally able to approve suitable courses without altering its charter ’ .
13 However , while it may be legitimate to calculate such indices upon the basis of known population figures , it is highly problematic to construct future projections of the ratios as they rest upon assumptions about future patterns of fertility which are almost impossible to predict .
14 This works in favour of music writers , and because the PRS is the only organization which can license venues and media in this country , it is sufficiently strong to make sure its members ' copyrights are appropriately rewarded for any performances .
15 It must therefore remain an open question as to whether the local economy is sufficiently robust to attract private sector capital .
16 At first glimpse it may not even appear to be armoured , but if the animal is taken into a predator 's mouth its fur is sufficiently spiky to cause acute discomfort and it is quickly dropped .
17 The issue is sufficiently important to justify separate treatment in the following chapter .
18 Council is especially anxious to see inventive applications of a ‘ pump priming ’ nature and is prepared to consider applications from those working in chemical education as well as chemical research .
19 It is especially easy to confuse unitary with integral affinity or integral with substantial affinity , as in each general case some pavements will undoubtably be comparable at the more specific level .
20 It is actually the key question in the whole debate , but one in which it is especially difficult to make convincing , informed predictions .
21 Furnell ( 1986 ) notes , too , that psychology is especially likely to give social accounts of lesbian identity , while gay male identity , which is a much more serious affair , gets more individual treatment .
22 And because it assumes that gender differences are biologically or culturally fixed , it is especially likely to neglect psychological or social differences between women , to take female subjectivity as defining feminism , and to treat psychology as a form of social action in itself .
23 It is especially important to keep low when sheeting in .
24 Given the demoralisation caused by this neglect , it is somewhat galling to hear Labour spokesmen smugly declare that there is no support for socialism in Northern Ireland .
25 The acquirer will want to ensure that it is only obliged to take reasonable acts to mitigate and not ones which would harm the target or the business .
26 ‘ It is evident then that to prevent explosions in coal mines , it is only necessary to use air-tight lanterns supplied with air from tubes of small diameter or from openings covered with wire gauze …
27 One of the problems with not getting killed climbing while still young is that you reach such a great age that your standard falls mercilessly , and it is only possible to relive great exploits by reading about yourself in guidebooks .
28 Reviews of exhibiting societies ' shows have constantly presented difficulties to critics , as it is only possible to give brief comments on some of the artists ' work ; how could it be otherwise when an exhibiting society shows several thousand works ?
29 Prohibition is only available to restrain illegal action and so it plays no part in correcting errors of law within jurisdiction , for which certiorari is the only remedy .
30 The first trick is to get left of the chockstone and stop in the Jacuzzi Pool , next , to pivot and line up for the exit slot which is only ft–3ft wide in a foaming pool whose diameter is only 18 ins more than a boat 's length .
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