Example sentences of "is [adj] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although he is supportive of the general trend of de-hospitalising labour wards in the NHS , he dislikes what he calls the evangelism of the active birth movement .
2 If the cumulative burden of all this is descriptive of the fine chemicals industry , it is clear that manufacturers of such products are aiming very high indeed .
3 the Guide says : ‘ The overall structure is redolent of the 1950's : small schools , grammar schools , secondary ‘ moderns ’ and the 11 Plus . ’
4 Although disapproval of sacred dramas continued to be vehemently expressed , as , for instance , by Gerhoh of Reichersburg ( 1039–1169 ) who , according to Kolve ( 1966 ) , warned that he who portrays the rage of Herod is guilty of the very vice he portrays ( a deep-seated objection not entirely eradicated today ) , anxiety about its blasphemous nature was dispelled as more people came to regard it as merely a ‘ game ’ rather than as a sacrilegious act .
5 a single prostitute who provides services in private premises to one client at a time without spectators is guilty of the common law offence of keeping a disorderly house if it is proved that the services provided are of such a character and are conducted in such a manner … that their provision amounts to an outrage of public decency or is otherwise calculated to harm the public interest to such an extent as to call for condemnation and punishment .
6 Such a solution " detracts , or may be thought to detract , from the obligation of the jury to be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the particular offence , before they enter such a verdict " .
7 The shape and size of this report is representative of the middle-sized report .
8 At this point a word of warning should be included : it is little use spending days/weeks describing and analysing one thin section if you are not sure whether this section is representative of the sedimentary sequence you are evaluating .
9 The symbol is representative of the essential fabric upon which the higher Indian mentality is woven .
10 If one believes that the total density of the Universe must be very close to the critical value , this implies that the baryon fraction in compact groups is representative of the mean cosmological value .
11 The Winged Cobra is representative of the transcendental nature of higher consciousness or total spiritual enlightenment , and as such the image adorned the entrance to all sacred temples and schools of initiation in Egypt .
12 Further studies will then be able to take a sampling frame which is representative of the national spectrum of small hotel businesses ; to consider specific issues highlighted in the pilot study ( aspects of the uptake of information technology , the need for training programmes , and the development of co-operative marketing schemes ) ; and to develop conceptual and theoretical issues relating to behavioural matters ( for example , population migration and job shift ) ; together with investment ; and marketing decision making .
13 Different views have been offered as to what these constraints might be , but the following list is representative of the main ones :
14 This is representative of the Mainlan GTI Windows software as a whole .
15 A " national charter " published by the Democratic Bloc on May 26 listed among its demands fundamental constitutional reform to allow the installation of a " healthy democracy within the framework of a constitutional monarchy " , economic measures to tackle problems such as unemployment , judicial and administrative controls to guarantee transparency in elections , followed by " the formation of a government that is representative of the popular majority " , and freedom for all those detained for " political or trade-union activity " .
16 Overall , Browne is representative of the English florid style of choral composition at not only its most assured but also at its most imaginative .
17 It remains to be seen whether the interaction between the molecules in the crystallographic dimer is representative of the GH5-GH5 interactions in chromatin .
18 This DNA endonuclease activity , called I- Sce III , is specific of the A3-A4 junction sequence of the COX 1 gene .
19 It is part of our thesis that sexual and political revolution go hand in hand and that indeed the first is prerequisite of the second .
20 He will be far more explicit , since he is free of the legal shackles which cause many reports to appear so emasculated .
21 The advantage is that the kite itself is free of the high frequency vibrations which occur naturally in all kite flying lines ; but a fast shutter speed takes care of this problem in most instances .
22 And with what is still quaintly described as ‘ sufficient power ’ Ward is convinced of the new car 's credentials : ‘ I am sure the Continental R can stand shoulder to shoulder with anything else we have ever built . ’
23 So when a large body of medical opinion is convinced of the positive benefits of any substance you too can be sure that the evidence must be pretty … well , convincing !
24 Now denoting the nominal demand for money by MD , we can write in functional form : unc A simplified version of this function can be obtained by using real national income ( Y ) as an indicator of total wealth and by assuming that h is constant and that the function is homogeneous of the first degree in P. We can then write the real demand for money as : unc Monetarists generally believe the demand for money to be fairly unresponsive to interest rate changes ( and this is supported by empirical evidence ) .
25 The Hooded Cobra depicted in a coiled or undulating position is symbolic of the spiralling , vortex-like pattern of movement of Universal Energy as it permeates matter and proceeds to nourish and vivify it .
26 In a way , the struggle for the Shrine Of Khaine is symbolic of the greater struggle in the soul of the Elf race , between those who follow the darkness and those who seek some measure of harmony .
27 In this sense he is symbolic of the nationalistic cause , either to restore Germany to her former glories , or to justify and inspire territorial ambitions .
28 That reflects two things — first , the shortened nature of this parliamentary Session , giving rise to the need to proceed with our Bills in an orderly way through Committee if we are to dispose of as many of them as possible ; and , secondly , the importance that we attach to this Bill , which is symbolic of the high priority that we give to the reform of further education , as well as higher education .
29 Which is back-slapping of the highest order .
30 Leonard Winbolt of Kings Lynn in Norfolk is typical of the remaining aggrieved would-be shareholders .
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