Example sentences of "is [adj] [conj] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the final conclusion to research underway may be , it is ironical that perhaps the best solution to the problem is the increased use of that other much environmentally criticised energy source , nuclear power .
2 In air , osmotic potential is almost balanced by the water potential : the turgor pressure is low and so the cells — and leaf — are rounder .
3 The enemy is wily and therefore the more unlikely a person looks , the more likely he is to be the secret enemy .
4 The vast majority of social research employs ordinal data or , more rarely , the interval scale : even in such cases it is doubtful whether even the most developed of such scales actually satisfy the requirements .
5 It is clear that even the named and identified members of Jesus 's following represent a broad and diverse spectrum .
6 This is acceptable when only the family are around , but when we have guests , embarrassing situations can arise .
7 For the more down to earth woodworker it is interesting that often the cordless drill is picked up in preference to the mains powered one for many tasks .
8 Which is interesting because here the three of us are , thinking about what it means to belong somewhere , what it might mean to belong to this idea called ‘ theatre ’ .
9 In an isotropic space all geodesic surfaces at a single point have by definition identical Gaussian curvature : in a space that is homogeneous as well the curvature is the same everywhere .
10 But good though this record is , no system is perfect and accordingly the Church Commissioners and the Department of the Environment are now looking at ways in which the non-statutory public inquiries can be improved to become an even more effective forum for weighing all points of view in particularly difficult cases .
11 But there is no a priori reason to expect that any one paradigm is perfect or even the best available .
12 It is ironic that often the most severe weather conditions can produce some of the most intricate and fragile sights .
13 Since unc it appears that our assumption that there exists a smallest counterexample is untenable and so the theorem is proved .
14 It is incredible that both the Minister and the Prime Minister whitewash the inquiry by describing it as independent .
15 Where the damage is insidious and not discovered until later , eg industrial diseases , the provisions of s14 of the Limitation Act 1980 which define " knowledge " may delay the running of limitation even further , until the plaintiff knows not only that he is ill but also the likely cause .
16 If the ballvalve is faulty it is likely that either the washer has worn or that the seating needs replacing ( page 46 ) .
17 Given the composition of Council , it is likely that only the DTI stands in the way of adoption of this proposal : if it is adopted , I hope we will be spared further sanctimonious claims to the high ground by the Institute , and that it concedes it is operating predominantly in the interests of ( some of ) its members .
18 Besides governments , it is likely that only the largest companies will engage in any kind of record retention and archive management .
19 By doing so , I shall demonstrate a point which is paradoxical but all the more interesting for that .
20 In organizations with scarce resources political activity is inevitable and only the naive decry it .
21 Bukharin replied : ‘ It is obvious that only the real process of exchanges of substances between town and country can serve as a firm and stable basis for the influence of the town to be decisive . ’
22 The overlap here with the merchantability provision is obvious and often the two will coincide .
23 As the rotor moves forward the torque produced by the motor is negative and so the system decelerates until the rotor reaches the position 8=n/3p where the velocity is a minimum .
24 Even today , he is sure that subconsciously the experience continues to affect him , especially when storm , rain or trees trigger off the train of associations .
25 This triple set holds enough gems to keep you interested , the history is fascinating and even the disasters , which must have seemed ridiculous even then , have a certain kitsch value .
26 The approach to teaching and learning on this course is developmental and therefore the students in a particular year group work with the same team of tutors who cover all aspects of learning and of educational provision for young children — including the development of language and literacy .
27 Because these systems are not ‘ natural ’ their structure is complex and even the knowledge of English can prove to be unhelpful when markers represent meaning and not form .
28 It is unlikely that even the most devious psychologist could devise a behavioural test , other than navigation , that would harness that computational ability .
29 It is unlikely that even the simplest company can use the armed forces technique but the principle is widely valid .
30 But it is important that here the yokes are inverted : Mariana and the ties with Spain she represents have been transformed , translated into Mexican , into the complexities of the mestizo Mexican present .
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