Example sentences of "is [adj] [verb] [that] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is pleasant to read that in 1936 Mr George Ramsey was ‘ cordially asked to take charge of the harvest decorations in the church and cheerfully agreed . ’
2 Mental incapacity It is usual to provide that upon a partner becoming a patient under the Mental Health Act 1983 his colleagues should have the option of terminating their partnership with him .
3 Indeed , it is possible to argue that in both the fields of child language and acquired disorders the earliest studies to be carried out were almost exclusively concerned with production .
4 … At the same time it is right to say that in her evidence … she repudiates the notion that any influence was exerted or any pressure put upon her , or that her husband made any misrepresentation to her .
5 As this medical view is based fundamentally on the gender identity and self-image of the transsexual , he implies that the law is prepared to concede that in most circumstances sex determination is a matter for the individual .
6 But the point is that it makes sense for him to reject such a statement as false on a given occasion , only if he is prepared to admit that in different circumstances the same statement could be true .
7 As one of the growing number of management consultants here in Australia attempting to show that business can be both profitable and have an ethical approach , it is heartening to see that at least some directors think we need a profound change in how we work .
8 IT is heartening to see that in the wake of Glasgow 1990 and despite increasing difficulties in funding , large scale multi-media events can still take place .
9 It is interesting to speculate that in the fetus the G cells may , by a means yet to be identified , lead to the disappearance of parietal cells in their immediate vicinity .
10 It is interesting to note that during renovations to an old house in the village dated 1638 , a priest hole was uncovered under the fourth step of a spiral staircase .
11 However , it is interesting to note that during World War I , when soldiers ’ wives received dependants ' allowances totalling a maximum of 17/6d in 1915 and 31/7d by 1918 for a wife and three children ( the average male labourer 's wage in 1918 was £2 ) , the heights and weights of schoolchildren and the infant mortality rate both showed improvement , which would suggest that wives and children found themselves rather better off .
12 It is interesting to note that on a descending value of energy , maize is greatest followed by barley , followed by oats .
13 It is interesting to note that among those subject areas with lower than average levels of students seeking employment were all the " purer " IT specialisms .
14 It is interesting to note that among the fruits taken by birds in southern Europe , it has been shown in the case of Smilax aspera ( Liliaceae ) , there is selection in favour of greater pulp : seed ratio ( with a loss in seed numbers ) in those conditions of high competition for dispersers , which , faced with an apparent glut , select the most nutritionally valuable .
15 However , it is interesting to note that in a City History of 1830 , reference is made to ‘ the ideal dwellings for the working class now being erected by Mr. Penniston . ’
16 It is interesting to note that in a guidance booklet produced by the Royal College of Nursing , the assumption throughout is that two people will be lifting a person out of a chair or bed .
17 Previous reference has been made to the slowly increasing proportion of graduates entering the Division , and it is interesting to note that in 1984 of all members achieving corporate membership of the RICS , 65.6% did so by exempting degree or diploma courses , but of building surveyors only 51.1% joined the Division by this method , the lowest proportion of the three main Divisions .
18 ( It is interesting to note that in order to pass a driving test a motorist needs a visual acuity of 6/15 , that is , a standard between the 6/12 and 6/18 line . )
19 It is interesting to note that in the US , Congress has expressed an overriding concern for fairness in the securities markets .
20 Given that science is often thought of as a laboratory-based activity , rather than as a " bookish " subject , it is interesting to note that in three of the four schools , science departments had pioneered activities to develop basic library and information retrieval skills as part of their lower-school curriculum .
21 In this context it is interesting to note that in 1976 the DES informed the WJEC that it was customary to use the title ‘ College or Institute of Higher Education ’ only for establishments where the advanced courses represent 60 per cent or more of the total provision , which is certainly not the case in all the Welsh colleges .
22 Given that the level of eligibility for free legal aid is so low , it is interesting to note that in 1989–90 , 79 per cent .
23 However , it is interesting to note that in four of the sectors where small company exports dominate , exports have actually decreased from the 1989 levels .
24 It is interesting to note that in the 1978 World Bank Report some communist countries were given a special category , ‘ centrallyplanned economies ’ .
25 It is interesting to note that in the last analysis it is evil which is its own undoing .
26 The invention of printing in the fifteenth century steadily did away with the need for handwritten books , and it is interesting to note that from that time onwards various styles of calligraphy developed for different purposes .
27 He is sceptical about the moral value of teaching the classics or serious contemporary fiction and poetry : ‘ Indeed , it is immodest to propose that by making people read these things we are improving them , ethically or civically .
28 Mr McArdle wrote : ‘ It is sad to report that in this case the behaviour of the Daily Mirror and its staff did not contribute in any way to the detection of crime .
29 It seems to me that it is impossible to say that in carrying out that exercise he misdirected himself or came to a conclusion to which he could not reasonably have come in the exercise of his discretion .
30 It is easy to realise that in gusty conditions , if the glider is being flown slowly , the stall may occur high enough for a wing to drop and for an incipient spin to develop with even more serious results .
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