Example sentences of "is [not/n't] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Picture Post was in no doubt about their justification : ‘ Our plan for a new Britain is not something outside the war , or something after the war .
2 The prayer of Jesus from the heart of the suffering world is not something in the mind , it is his accepted bodily agony and it is by being given the grace to accept our material weakness and pain and finally our death in union with him that we too can pray .
3 Imaginative teaching is not what in the end matters — it is developing in pupils their capacity for imagination that counts .
4 The appropriateness of the comments is not one for the committee since the committee has no responsibility for the judges , their selection or their comments .
5 If the terms are such as to leave the seller free , if he should wish to do so , to obtain more wine of the same description for delivery to the buyer , then the contract goods have not been identified and agreed upon at the date of the contract and the contract is not one for the sale of specific goods , Re London Wine Co .
6 The battle , he wrote , ‘ is not one for the future but is on NOW …
7 Is not it beyond the realms of possibility that the Secretary of State and railway management have got it wrong on this occasion ?
8 Put a colon between the title and the subtitle , even if there is n't one in the original .
9 Hm yes it 's better is n't it for the extra
10 Group assessment though is is a luxury is n't it at the moment
11 Well , yes , it 's , it 's quite narrow is n't it at the back .
12 it 's the next is n't it over the
13 Falls partly because it 's shutting down the ends of the arteries , the arteries themselves can actually contract because they 're muscular walled , yes , the arteries can contract and that tends to shut down and reduce the pressure slightly in that area , right and also the body itself is gon na divert that blood is n't it to the core of the body taking it away from other areas , damaged areas , so how can we help to reduce the pressure any more ?
14 But I mean that 's an almost perfect match is n't it to the furniture .
15 Is n't it near the beginning then ?
16 Well it is n't it in the loo , I think it 's i , it 's in the tap .
17 But is n't it in the , the rich peasant 's interests to increase his production ?
18 But he 's also saying is n't he at the end of this paragraph , or he 's implying that th this is this revolution is not happening because we the communists are making it happen , it is happening and we need to react to it and somehow we 've therefore got a choice , we can either trail behind or we can lead it .
19 Is n't he in the right place for it ?
20 ‘ Why is n't he in the yard today ? ’
21 Is n't he in the British Government or something ? ’
22 Is n't he in the tea cup ?
23 In spite of having a range of injected plastic mouldings , there are always times when there just is n't anything for the size of a spar , the angle of fit , or sufficiently shock-absorbing to accept a crash , or to permit a kite to be folded .
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