Example sentences of "is [not/n't] [verb] [conj] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The marked language of the Miller 's Tale , swyve and pisse , is found again in the Reeve 's Tale ; fartynge is not named as such in the Reeve 's Tale , but is included with a circumlocution that uses a marked term we have seen in the Shipman 's Tale : The miller 's boast : is no doubt intended to be simply proverbial , but has a richly ironic meaning in light of the " beard " that Absolon finds upon obtaining his kiss from Alison ( 3730 – 43 ) .
2 It is not argued that any system of law other than English law applies to determine the legal status of the receivers appointed by the bank pursuant to the debenture .
3 Although a revised standard on going concern is needed , it is important that this SAS , which is seen by many as a critical element in reducing the expectation gap , is not rushed and that due consideration is given to all the issues the commentators have raised .
4 The meditations project an experience of alienation and deadness from which the meditator longs to be released ; he knows at one level that Christ 's death is the key to such release : But in this work such knowledge is not projected as that of experience , though it depends on recognition of the possibility of such experience for its validity .
5 Nevertheless , its point about the evidence for God 's goodness — that it is not compelling and that , indeed , there may be moments when it appears that the facts of life may not be reconciled with a good Creator at all — might also be applied to the evidence for God 's existence .
6 The heat energy within a kettle of boiling water is not lost when that kettle is poured into a bath of cold water but the water in the bath is not hot enough to make tea ( it is ‘ low grade heat ’ ) .
7 In other words , provided that the liquidity trap is not reached and that investment remains sufficiently responsive to interest rate reductions , falling prices could conceivably establish levels of expenditure and real income which correspond to their full employment values , E * ; and Y * ; respectively .
8 It is not recorded whether those who designed this emblem were aware that ‘ beaver ’ is also slang for the female sexual organs .
9 However , this is not to say that many forms of life have not been able to adapt to life on slopes up to the 10,000-ft ( 3,050 m ) level , and in some cases higher .
10 This is not to say that such comment is wholly wrong ; merely to say that it lacks precision , finesse .
11 That is not to say that such an idea , or something like it , is not necessary in Italy .
12 Which is not to say that such diseases are more common in this country or that the cases are more florid or medically interesting , simply that , for historical reasons , the delivery of both diagnosis and treatment is better than elsewhere .
13 This is not to say that such courses would not also encourage an awareness of wider theoretical implications or the kind of appraisal I have associated with education , but this would be more in the manner of a long-term investment rather than something expected to yield immediate returns , something which might influence attitude rather than instigate action .
14 This is not to say that such proposals must be accepted at face-value but they should be subjected to specific criticism rather than rejected in toto as merely a device for getting workers to ‘ participate ’ in their own exploitation .
15 111.9 ) , although this is not to say that such illustrations were never used ( note the ignorant copying of inscriptions in the Rudston Venus mosaic : pI .
16 This is not to say that such clauses will be ineffective .
17 That is not to say that that necessarily will discount any area , but in erm reflection of paragraph thirty one of M P G one , I think it is important that that sort of issue erm er is included .
18 This is not to say that all the stages are equally well-represented and well-understood .
19 This is not to say that all care orders were welcomed by the families ; and there is clearly the possibility that , while this intervention was favoured by the parents , it was resented by the children .
20 This is not to say that all conflict is constructive .
21 This is not to say that all criticism is unjustified .
22 This is not to say that all theories of legitimacy are only or merely ‘ rationalizations ’ ; rather , it is to say that they have an element of rationalization in them .
23 This is not to say that all members of an epistemic sub-culture — say economics or anthropology or even nebulous professionally oriented clusterings of knowledge such as pharmacy or business studies subscribe to the dominant concepts , theories and approaches of the corpus .
24 This is not to say that all investors or brokers are compulsive gamblers any more than to say that all drinkers are alcoholic .
25 That is not to say that all linguists , or even the majority of them , have accepted the theory of transformational grammar that Chomsky put forward .
26 Finally , it must be stressed that while many of the entries are arguably early , this is not to say that all have been correctly dated .
27 After the baptism of Clovis the kingdom of the Franks was theoretically a Christian state ; that is not to say that all its members were Christian — indeed it would be a long time before the Christianization of the Merovingian kingdom was complete .
28 This is not to say that either of the above decisions was necessarily wrong .
29 This is not to say that those who signed the majority Report were disingenuous .
30 This is not to say that these termites have no perception of the earth 's magnetic field .
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