Example sentences of "is [to-vb] the [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 To read documents from French sources about space , and to meet officials of the CNES , is to acquire the impression that France tried to help Europe get its space act together ; but whenever the latter failed to meet the challenge , France did what it could regardless .
2 The role of the whole time branch secretary was raised and we , what we 've done here , is to continue the practice that operated in respect of national industrial conferences , and it says on page four , as is currently the case for national industrial conferences full-time officials and branch secretaries not working in the industry may attend by arrangement between the region and the section secretary with the right to speak but not to vote .
3 But that is to miss the point that it is not the unions , business to manage the firms with which they negotiate the settlements , nor to manage the national economy .
4 Dr Greenaway used The British Deaf News for making his own views known : " We do not intend to repeat yet once again all the arguments for and against the retention of the word " dumb " , he wrote in February 1970 ; " what is important , however , is to emphasise the fact that in the mind of the general public and even more completely in the minds of modem generations of deaf boys and girls the word " dumb " is out .
5 Number one is to acknowledge the fact that our line charge is not infinitely long , integrate between the limits -H and +H , differentiate to obtain the electric field , and let then H go to infinity .
6 The first is to accept the speeds that are actually being observed and redesign the surfaces to allow sight-lines which are consonant with these speeds .
7 But I think the the the hardest thing is to accept the fact that he is God .
8 But the defendant is left with a grievance and , in those circumstances , what I feel obliged to do is to accept the application that has been made on his behalf and to discharge you from returning a verdict in this case . ’
9 The skill in midlife is to discover the beauty that belongs to that stage in life and to accept it willingly .
10 Among the Board 's principal aims is to provide the leadership that can negotiate a further reduction in betting tax to help put racing on a firm financial footing .
11 The best way to buy guitar strings is to find the ones that feel the best to you personally . ’
12 In view of the understandable difficulty that this inelegant and complex piece of legislation presented to these people , one must stand in awe at what one Member , Sir Michael Havers , had the temerity to say at the Third Reading of the Bill : ‘ One of the great ambitions of successive Parliaments is to simplify the laws that they pass and make them more readily understood . ’
13 Jane Brown 's gift is to vault the divide that has unfortunately grown up between architects and the rest of us and bring their drawings alive in the most agreeable and informative way .
14 Perhaps the most effective shock tactic is to create the impression that you are a lethal killer yourself , and not to be trifled with .
15 And er the idea is to highlight the things that you feel are pertinent to you and what you 're going to do about them .
16 The protest was organised by the newly-formed Bootle Miners Support Group and spokesman Eddie McEvilly explained : ‘ Our aim is to highlight the impact that cheap coal is having on polluting the community and destroying North West mining jobs . ’
17 The aim of this thesis is to explore the memories that drivers have for everyday driving situations and to decide how such memories may be affected by the feelings of risk they experienced in the situation .
18 A second objective of the research is to explore the way that managerial policies are being developed between HQ , divisional management , profit and cost centre management and at the establishment and work-place levels at a time when it is thought that large companies are decentralising their management systems .
19 The effect of this decision is to reverse the trend that was evident from the preceding cases in which there had been a gradual tendency to expand the range of third parties to whom accountants might be held to be liable as a result of errors in financial statements .
20 Instead of trying to eliminate neural centres the aim is to sever the pathways that connect them , leaving the centres themselves intact ( Geschwind 1965 ) .
21 The wicked response is to select the technique that gives the desired answer .
22 The point of introducing this distinction between determination in the last instance and the structure in dominance is to combine the idea that the practices of which society is made up are mutually determining with the ultimate dominance of the economy .
23 Now , one of them will rotate to the right , one will rotate to the left what you need to be able to do is to identify the condition that will give that give rise to optical isomers , in other words , to be able to say yes , that molecule will have optical isomers .
24 The intention is to identify the role that both the type of assistance ( in terms of its purpose and form ) and the characteristics of the recipient establishment ( in terms of its size , capital-intensity , etc ) play in determining the cost-effectiveness of financial assistance .
25 The most you can hope to do is to record the songs that you like , and that is as much ‘ planning ’ as there is in Kiss .
26 The attitude of most electorates and governments is to deplore the problems that the illegal drug trade brings , view the whole matter with distaste , and sit on the status quo — a policy of sweeping prohibition .
27 The real problem is to persuade the people that there is a big Neil Kinnock .
28 The issue here is to persuade the owner that maintenance is essential and to assist in carrying it out .
29 The most primitive physicalist response to this argument is to deny the claim that there is anything about the mind that BS does not know .
30 Answer guide : The intention here is to reinforce the idea that costs of one period may be expenses of another period .
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