Example sentences of "is [verb] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By scattering the fertiliser pellets over his vineyard the vigneron is helping to restore the vine 's balance of resources .
2 She has been seconded to the Civil Service Selection Board , where she is helping to devise the entrance competition for the ‘ fast stream ’ applicants to the Civil Service , Diplomatic Service and Tax Inspectorate .
3 Its use is helping to create a change in the nature and pattern of industries , as shown in the next chapter .
4 Sevenhampton was where novelist Ian Fleming once earned a living writing about a secret agent called James Bond and Rupert likes to think that Roves Farm is helping to put the village back on the map .
5 Jamie 's father is helping to organise a protest group , which may yet take Thames Water to court for damages over the cryptosporidia contamination .
6 The final function that the professional-managerial class perform for the ruling class is helping to develop the consumer goods market , ensuring that the working class consume new products produced by capitalism .
7 At one stage I had the same reservations , but in the light of the experience of the last six years and the credibility that the festival has given to drama with elected members , headteachers , and officers of the Authority , I am convinced that , at any rate for Leeds , this annual festival is helping to develop the quality of drama in the Authority ( pp. 44–45 ) .
8 If your area is shown as receiving a contribution from the safety net , it is helping to provide the protection for other areas .
9 The Government has made Clydeside a Special Development Area where it is helping to provide the capital for these new industries , new housing and a new infrastructure .
10 SEAWEED is helping to slash the cost of a new generation of drugs by 1,000 fold , delegates were told yesterday .
11 But in reality , none of these programmes is helping to increase the production of firewood .
12 Obviously , if you have only reserved the code , you must re-enter Option 9.3.0 when the item is initialised to change the state to 2 .
13 It is calculated to prick the envy of a modern pilgrim : Rome , Sutri , Siena , San Gimignano , Lucca , Borgo San Donnino , Piacenza , Santa Agata , Ivrea , Aosta , the Great St Bernard Pass , Saint-Maurice , Lausanne , Pontarlier , Besançon , Rheims , Laon , Arras , Guînes and the Channel .
14 Nothing , simply nothing , is calculated to put a railway enthusiast on his mettle than for somebody or some organisation to say that something is impossible .
15 Lord Diplock laid down the essentials for a passing-off action : 1 ) a misrepresentation 2 ) made by a trader in the course of trade 3 ) to prospective customers of his or ultimate consumers of goods or services supplied by him 4 ) which is calculated to injure the business or goodwill of another trader and 5 ) which causes actual damage to a business or goodwill of the trader by whom the action is brought .
16 Harkabi described the idea of a ‘ transfer ’ — the mass expulsion of Palestinians — as just the kind of project that is calculated to lend the struggle its absolute , ‘ existential ’ character .
17 Apart from its main function of storing a set of measures this procedure contains some diagnostics and also outputs a dot each time a measure is calculated to show the user that the program is running correctly .
18 a relief printing process in which a raised image is inked to produce an impression ; the impression is then transferred by placing paper against image and applying pressure .
19 The input is adjusted to set the output some standard level ( such as the rated output power ) .
20 As in any library , the material is arranged to suit the specialist : there are magazines featuring chicks with big tits , there are magazines featuring chicks in silk and lace and garter belts , there are magazines featuring chicks getting roughed up .
21 The HERMS data base file structure is arranged to store the minimum of data to yield maximum information .
22 Depending on the type of kite , you 'll now have to plan how the fabric is arranged to fit the shape .
23 The attribute is assigned to reduce the quantity and size of drawing files .
24 The attribute is assigned to reduce the quantity and size of part drawing files by using indexed pointers to merge CAD part files automatically for variable and made-from parts .
25 With either type , you may find a 50mm socket , into which a suitably-sized boss connector or adaptor is welded to take a solvent-welded or push-fit pipe , or a push-fit or compression fitting which takes a branch pipe directly so needs to be the correct size .
26 The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa , for example , is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life , in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight .
27 This criterion is intended to signal the need for a healthy scepticism concerning the supposition , embodied in the HMI report The School Curriculum ( 1981 ) , that given equal access to educational resources , the strengths of each child , male or female , would be more fully realized .
28 A rateable value is intended to represent a rent from year to year at a specific date on terms laid down by regulations .
29 Some recent models even incorporate an integral filter which is intended to clarify the water rather than just catch debris .
30 There are detailed requirements as to what the notice must contain , including the date when it is intended to hold the procession , the time when it is due to start ( but not finish ) , the proposed route and the name and address of the organiser .
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