Example sentences of "is [verb] [prep] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 History is taught as if the industrial revolution , the most significant event since the development of agriculture , just happened , simply by the outworking of blind economic forces ; and as if the only people to be consciously aware of it were the aesthetes who reacted against its artifacts , or who , like Karl Marx , sought to analyse those forces and to predict their course .
2 For example , the standard enthalpy of atomisation of hydrogen is given by whereas the standard bond dissociation enthalpy for hydrogen is given by
3 Young 's modulus is given by and the bulk modulus .
4 Individuals are differentiated only by their level of commitment , where the density function is given by and the distribution function on .
5 The radius R L of the Roche lobe is given by If the companion is a main-sequence star , then its radius R c is approximately given by .
6 The error of so many critics and scholars is to write as if the paraphrasable elements in literature constituted its substance , whereas the value of literature is to be found not in propositions , but in relationships , and these relationships are not logical , but imaginative .
7 However , he draws back from incorporating this into a general theory about creativity , preferring instead to emphasise the more superficial differences between the psychotic and the creative person : that the former is overwhelmed by and the latter in control of his or her ‘ original ’ thoughts .
8 At a stepping rate f the pull-out torque is denoted by and the load torque by .
9 The activity on any particular day is dominated by whether the strong wind is in session or not .
10 ( b ) He must take reasonable steps to explain what he is looking for and the basis of his suspicion ( s.2(3) ( b ) ) .
11 However , my hon. Friend can be assured that I have listened attentively to what he has said and his points will be considered carefully before a decision is made on whether the application should be called in .
12 But it will be several months before a decision is made on whether the Yoke Farm travellers can stay .
13 Until a decision is made on whether the building gets listed status , the protestors say they 're staying put .
14 The fieldwork was conducted during the period July 1 941 — September 1943 but the book is written as if the culture of " West Town " was timeless and entirely unaffected by the chaos of the surrounding political situation .
15 The effect on the original relationship of controlling a test factor is affected by whether the third variable is positively or negatively related to the other variables .
16 These form the basis for the development of a repertoire of skills dictated partly by capacities and partly by environmental circumstances such as the particular family , community and region he is born into and the available facilities for play , education and training .
17 In early 1988 is seemed as if the conflicts of the Middle East had spilled over into the strange world of British fascism .
18 ‘ Because of changes in the law , we are now required to place much greater emphasis on how waste is disposed of and the risk of contamination through inadequate control .
19 The slope is found from and the intercept from Once a and b are known then the value of y corresponding to every integer value x lying between xmin and xmax is calculated from the equation of the line and a dot is printed at the point x , y .
20 Unless the traveller has some idea of where he is starting from and the conditions he may meet along the way , he is unlikely to be able to decide upon a satisfactory route .
21 ‘ The money we have is spoken for and the queue gets longer .
22 Anxious , because you know from past experience that when the convenient moment arrives for you to sow , the weather will turn wet or cold , even snowy , and effort and seed would be wasted , yet time is slipping by and the crops most worth raising are those that come first .
23 One of the first jobs Mr Kenneth Clarke , the new Home Secretary , is to decide on whether the task of gathering intelligence on Irish terrorism on the mainland should be given to MI5 rather than the Special Branch .
24 Each step command is issued in so the step commands to 3 motors are issued in , but four motors would require .
25 Text is input as if the user was using a word processing program and files from VIEW or WORDWISE can be incorporated .
26 It will work for a recogniser , with just one node in the top layer , but it is phrased as if the top layer contains many nodes .
27 However , where the lease contains a reservation in favour of the landlord it is construed as if the right reserved had been granted to the landlord by the tenant .
28 Similarly , an instrument that is expressed to be " supplemental " to a previous instrument is construed as if the supplemental instrument contained a full recital of the previous instrument ( Law of Property Act 1925 , s58 ) .
29 His distinction between function and index ( two of his basic narrative units ) is determined by whether the units link with others to form a chain of actions ( the functions ) , or whether their role is a more diffuse contribution to the meaning of the story , such as information about characters ( the indices ) .
30 Later we deal with how far a clause can legitimately restrict competition by a former employee : legitimacy is determined by whether the restriction is reasonable .
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