Example sentences of "is [verb] [conj] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because it is calculated that a retained crew might take four minutes to get to the station the computer calculated other stations could respond quicker .
2 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
3 Although it is recognised that performance review must be tailored to local circumstances , generalisations can be made and it is intended that a good practice guide be drawn up based on experience to date .
4 It is intended that a full scale study of Scottish agriculture will follow this pilot project .
5 We do have this process where we can edge-glue the broken pieces so when a piece is broken and a previous glazier put in a piece of lead we can edge bond instead
6 Need it be a matter of wonder , when we see her capable of such restraint in general , that she should retire within herself and exercise that control we find her continually exerting over all her thoughts and actions the more energetically at a time when she is taught that a stray thought of desire would be impurity and its fruition pollution .
7 A star is formed when a large amount of gas ( mostly hydrogen ) starts to collapse in on itself due to its gravitational attraction .
8 Later the same term was used to denote the geometrical figure that is formed when a smaller square is cut out of a larger square with two of its adjacent sides lying along two adjacent sides of the latter .
9 White never used to be a predominant Goshiki colour , but now it is realised that a snow-white base admirably sets off the other shades .
10 It is claimed that a fifth of road fatalities say 1,150 deaths a year can be attributed to ’ drunk ’ driving : a driver has more than the permitted level of alcohol in his blood .
11 In the courts political questions may come before the judges because the matter is already in public controversy , like race or industrial relations ; or because it is claimed that a public authority has exceeded its powers ; or because the matter concerns the activities of the police ; or because the matter impinges on the individual rights of citizens , affecting their freedom or their property .
12 Over a period of twenty years it is claimed that a fast reactor could breed enough additional plutonium to fuel another similar power station .
13 If if it is considered that a new settlement is required to meet the housing provision in Greater York , then the first question that has to be asked is , is the criteria approach alone acceptable .
14 At the end of each month the top figure is removed and the new month 's figure is added and a new average is calculated .
15 Certain common variables are being developed , and it is expected that a joint publication reviewing pay since 1970 will be produced , as well as a series of publications relating to the various dimensions separately .
16 All other Lead Bodies are also progressing well with the development of standards and it is expected that a wide range of new qualifications will be available within the next year or so .
17 However , with the creation of further women 's organizations , the need to have a unified representation has increased and it is expected that a new co-ordinating body will be founded in the near future .
18 It is expected that a technical report will be released by the EC next week .
19 He said : ‘ Out of 450 competitors it is expected that a few will get injured . ’
20 Developments in Scotland are also being followed keenly south of the Border , where it is expected that a Scottish Lord Chancellor will introduce family legislation for England and Wales which will follow the example set by his countrymen .
21 Now , it would appear from this article , that this ideal is shattered and a two-tiered Europe is on the cards .
22 ( As his speech progresses the Amero-West Indian is dropped and a Scottish hectoring sharpness enters the vowels and consonants . )
23 Great care is required during fumigation and it is recommended that a suitable respirator is worn .
24 It is recommended that a complex SSR is split into a number of smaller SSRs , each addressing a single point so that all the details may be retained by LIFESPAN .
25 Where possible , it is recommended that a complex SPR is split up into a number of smaller SPRs , each addressing a single point .
26 Newly qualified nurses are expected to receive an orientation and induction programme appropriate to their appointments , followed by a consolidation period for a minimum period of three months , when it is recommended that a few hours each week be set aside for learning periods either with other newly qualified staff or as self-directed learning .
27 A three-stage test or approach is recommended when a wasted costs order is contemplated .
28 A marine or yacht varnish is recommended when a clear film is required that will not obliterate or mask the natural grain configuration of the wood .
29 To know what is happening when a small bit of wood is shifted , one must grasp the rules of chess and so grasp what move has been made .
30 Whenever a new entry is created a row is inserted in this table and whenever an entry is discarded the appropriate row is deleted and a new row inserted in the Redundant Lemma table .
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