Example sentences of "is [verb] [prep] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And talking of cerebral haemorrhage , Jefferson Starship founder Paul Kantner is recovering from one in an LA hospital .
2 And talking of cerebral haemorrhage , Jefferson Starship founder Paul Kantner is recovering from one in an LA hospital .
3 The prediction is indeed borne out ; contrast ( 13 ) and ( 14 ) : ( 13 ) a total one the mere one ( 14 ) a rudimentary one the deciduous one Even when we can not tell what sort of being or object is designated by one in examples like ( 14 ) , they will still be grammatically acceptable unlike the anomalous phrases in ( 13 ) .
4 Which made it the more regrettable that , in an age when abortion is pressed on one as if it were a free sample , she should have contrived to have four children in six years — unwanted , dubiously parented , ill cared for .
5 But it is interesting that among the ‘ great issues of today and tomorrow ’ that he himself wrote as an agenda for Labour , prominence is given to one on equality : ‘ whether , as we grow richer , this new wealth is used exclusively for individual selfishness or for the growth of necessary community services , and whether , in consequence , we follow or escape the American precedent of great private affluence surrounding rotting public services ’ .
6 ‘ Because I am married , you see , mama had my governess explain to me about marriage — of what is expected of one in the marriage bed . ’
7 It is interesting here to note that it is paralleled by one from Islam of how Allah sent the angel Gabriel to search for a pious man in a certain place .
8 Tensing and relaxation are then incorporated into the turtle response by tensing the body when assuming the turtle position , as a count is made from one to ten , followed by relaxation of the muscles , which is maintained for a few moments .
9 If buckets are used to fill the pool , they can be counted and discussions about empty and full will develop as water is transferred from one to the other .
10 The garden depicted with such passionate intensity is based on one at Maytham Hall , a house in Kent which she rented for many years and last visited in 1907 .
11 The range of facilities and equipment provided by Holiday homes is indicated by ONE to FIVE symbols .
12 An arrestable offence is defined as one for which a person may by virtue of any statute be sentenced to imprisonment for at least five years , or an attempt to commit such an offence .
13 The tone is distinctly altered from that in the earlier passage on the grace in Christ but it is not unaffected by it : and the formal Latin prayer which concludes the section is followed by one for grace to feel the love of God , addressed
14 The exclusive and private stage of falling in love is followed by one in which commitment is made public .
15 However , it may be that management has its own objective , or is forced into one by its shareholders , so that the state may find it needs to impose additional constraints to mould that objective to its own desires .
16 Where a Master 's degree course is paired with one for a Diploma , students are registered concurrently for both qualifications .
17 Having prepared the solution of label , place a drop of it in the manipulation chamber or dish , sufficiently far away from the drop of medium in which the injections will be carried out , to prevent the two coalescing when the injection pipette is passed from one to the other .
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