Example sentences of "is [verb] [verb] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 She has raised many thousands of pounds for good causes throughout the North-East , and at present is helping to organise the Sacriston Carnival , which takes place on Saturday July 4 .
2 The percentage is calculated to reduce the WDV to the scrap value over the estimated life of the asset .
3 The percentage is calculated to reduce the WDV to the scrap value over the estimated life of the asset .
4 In the small front yard , where a few sheep could be penned for clipping , a tar costel is placed to hold the Stockholm tar .
5 UltraSparc-I — Sun Microsystems Inc 's 64-bit Sparc implementation ( CI No 2,127 ) is intended to carry the Sparc RISC design into the realm of 140MHz to 200MHz clock speeds , producing chips that measure between 220 and 300 Specint 92 and between 350 and 500 Specfp 92 .
6 It is intended to take the Flea to local fetes , etc and to do this a custom-built trailer to ease moving it around will be built .
7 It is expected to contact the St Petersburg Institute for Research and Development of Biotechnical Systems , the whale 's owners , to offer a home to Brightness which , in commercial terms , is worth about £100,000 , excluding a premium for his fame .
8 Chief Constable Sir Hugh Annesley was briefed throughout the weekend on the latest atrocities and tomorrow is expected to meet the Garda Commissioner , Patrick Culligan , when the intergovernmental conference examines cross-border co-operation .
9 Former leader Neil Kinnock is expected to top the NEC poll and Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown , standing for the first time , is also expected to sweep in .
10 Josh Gifford has his string in fine form and Harbinger is napped to win the Furguson-Plympton Brewery Novices ' Hurdle .
11 Thus it is claimed that , under Socialist International rules , the Labour Party is forbidden to enter the SDLP 's territory and engage in electoral competition with it in Northern Ireland .
13 This amalgam of experience will embody itself in the final shape and fitting of a lifeboat that is designed to take the RNLI into the 21st century .
14 An active suspension system is designed to keep the McLaren glued to the track by reading the bumps ahead and a radio link enables engineers to tweak the car 's operating systems during the race .
15 Partly it is designed to help the EC pursue a ‘ high degree of convergence of economic performance . ’
16 Covering five areas — firm procedures , internal audit quality control review , specialisation , listed/regulated audit clients and a summary of audit fees and clients — it is designed to help the JMU understand the firm .
17 This incident was the cue for an unkind comment in a column by Sir John Junor : " Isn " t it an extraordinary coincidence that the reported ransom of £3 million … is exactly the amount , including interest , which Mr Schild is said to owe the London merchant bank of Keyser Ullman ?
18 If in addition we require that the production function is said to satisfy the Inada ( 1963 ) conditions , but we do not necessarily want to impose these restrictions .
19 Where a claim is made affecting the NCD , ALL existing NCD will be lost .
20 Muller will watch from the stand knowing he is destined to face the England B team at Bristol on Saturday in preparation for a confrontation of which he could once only dream of : ‘ Facing Will Carling and Jeremy Guscott at Twickenham . ’
21 In short , if the LDDC is seen to epitomize the UDCs , then there are questions to be asked about the effectiveness of this form of intervention .
22 Both men have plumped for the cricket final in Dublin in which they will be key men in the Brigade team which is attempting to win the Schweppes all-Ireland final for the first time .
23 To protect marine sites new legislation is needed giving the NCC stronger powers in the creation of byelaws and more leeway in the consultative process .
24 Every visitor to Toronto is told to visit the CN tower .
25 But what is going to replace the Bull Ring ?
26 As the recession deepens , it is going to force the TECs into choosing between three undesirable options .
27 Finally , behind schedule , he explains , so simply that I can understand , that he is going to take the Peter Brooke nomination , allow a little debate on the topic , then take an amendment to substitute ‘ Boothroyd ’ for ‘ Brooke ’ , take a vote on that and then see where we are .
28 THE Norwich goalkeeper , Bryan Gunn , says that if anyone is going to win the FA Premier League apart from his own club , ‘ I 'd love Manchester United to do it . ’
29 But it 's one thing to foresee , say , which horse is going to win the Derby .
30 The ex-LNER Pacific is scheduled to leave the SVR on Monday , November 2nd for other duties .
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