Example sentences of "is [verb] [prep] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Ideas , according to Berkeley , are particulars whose significance is explained by saying that they stand for the things they represent .
2 You will probably find yourself working as part of a small team within the office and a great deal of emphasis is placed on ensuring that these teams work well .
3 As a member of that Council I emphatically deny that he has had any mandate , or that he is justified in assuming that the Council as a whole takes his view .
4 All we need is to show that your belief that you are not a brain in a vat can not be justified since nothing in your experience can count as evidence for that proposition , and then appeal to an analogue of : which holds that if a is justified in believing that p and that p implies q , a is justified in believing that q .
5 ‘ When those concerned turn their attention to this problem , they may find they have to make a distinction between litigation in which there is a direct public interest in the result and that in which the public interest is limited to ensuring that an adequate system of justice is available .
6 In The Knossos Labyrinth ( Castleden 1989 ) , the evidence is summarized for believing that it was in the Central Court that the bull-leaping ritual took place , a ceremony that was itself central to the Minoan belief-system .
7 Legal & General is committed to ensuring that you are treated in a well-informed manner … with fairness , with courtesy and with a respect for your insurance needs .
8 ES is committed to ensuring that the risks of assaults are minimised through training , understanding our clients , safe office layouts and procedures for dealing with threatened or actual assaults .
9 We have seen that , according to Althusser 's reading , Marx is committed to arguing that practices are mutually dependent , and some of the links between them are displayed in Althusser 's attempt to clarify the relations between the practices of capitalist society .
10 The first part of the puzzle is resolved by recalling that only free neutrons decay ; the ones locked up in atomic nuclei are stable on any timescale comparable with the age of the Universe ( about 15 billion years ) although they may remain stable for ‘ only ’ about 10 years overall .
11 ‘ publicly exposes ’ Proof of ‘ publicly ’ is done by showing that the exposure was to more than one person .
12 If they are subject to the court 's jurisdiction , or if the court can compel a party to produce them … , violation of the other country 's judicial sovereignty is avoided by ordering that the deposition take place outside the country .
13 At present the fiction that each MP acts on his own judgement and takes a discriminating part in legislation is preserved by insisting that members must be present and pass through the lobbies night after night , though in fact such activity makes no material difference , but seriously impedes MPs in their task of keeping up to date with their special interests and with their constituency work .
14 The Government is called upon to ensure that the Railway Inspectorate is adequately staffed and resourced for the increased responsibilities in the wake of the report .
15 In his design he is credited for seeing that ‘ auditorium planning need not be inconsistent with good architecture ’ .
16 It is noted in passing that the First Directive has been replaced , with effect from 1 July 1990 , by Council Directive ( 88/361/E.E.C. ) of 24 June 1988 ( Official Journal 1988 No .
17 W. has breached the rules , the sanction has not been applied , W. is manifestly in control and the unit is reduced to proposing that they should move away from psychological coercion to offering reward for good behaviour .
18 And the joy of the Christian , you know , is found in knowing that God 's going to sustain us no matter what the future holds .
19 The equilibrial proportion is found by realizing that , at that equilibrium , hawk and dove must be doing equally well .
20 ‘ Belonging to another ’ is proved by showing that the property was appropriated from someone having possession or control of it , e.g. the owner or tenant etc. of a dwelling house would have possession and control of all the personal property in the house , and the owner or driver of a car would have possession or control of the contents of the car .
21 In summary , it is when capital expenditure is financed from borrowing that we see the most fundamental difference between local government accounting and commercial accounting .
22 They , or something like them , are admirable and important and we must strive to make them political realities , but they are not in themselves law and nothing is gained by pretending that they are law .
23 The most unhelpful position that a board of directors can take when a business is performing badly is to respond by saying that such a performance is unacceptable .
24 He is charged with ensuring that the Operator providing the signal complies with the rules of coverage , with coordinating committee coverage , and with generally liaising between HOCBUL , the Operator , the broadcasters , the Committee itself and Members and Officers of the House .
25 It appears to me , therefore , that he is estopped from saying that there was any valid consideration for the defendant 's promise .
26 where defendants conduct leads plaintiff to incur expense in the reasonable belief that the action will proceed to trial regardless of the plaintiffs delay , the defendant is estopped from claiming that the action should be struck out for want of prosecution on the grounds of delay — even if the E limitation period has expired .
27 This is promoted by ensuring that executives keep in touch with the firm 's business .
28 What is meant by saying that such a classification is ‘ natural ’ ?
29 Indeed , that such questions are intelligible is largely what is meant by saying that its phenomenology ‘ has a dimension comparable to visual experience as we know it ’ .
30 We can make clear what is meant by saying that the meaning of an action is the social act which the performing of the action brings about , with the help of examples .
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