Example sentences of "is [adv] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As we saw above , and Lyons would not disagree , it is mostly in the paralinguistic features that English performs this function .
2 Our current interest is rather in the inherent feasibility of controlling management objectives by means of legal duties .
3 We see her so with Theseus again on a near-contemporary Attic cup ( fig. 98 ) ; and it is presumably in the same role that she dominates the latest and best preserved of all archaic pediments , at the two ends of a temple on Aegina , dedicated to Aphaia , a local deity associated with Artemis rather than Athena .
4 Halfway up I 'm bombarded by icicles falling from the overhangs above , while Graham is somewhere in the swirling mist , pulling off an impressive lead .
5 It turns out that if I choose a direction and look at the electron 's spin in relation to that direction then either its axis of rotation points along that direction or it is wholly in the reverse direction .
6 These influences will not always incline him to the view that revelation of particular legal or political material is necessarily in the public interest .
7 But what is enough in the voracious world of nuclear finances ?
8 It is only in the post-medieval period that movements of goods , crops .
9 It is only in the specific circumstances defined by the statute ( when it is either impossible or inappropriate to obtain or to rely on breath specimens ) that it is either necessary or permissible to require the driver to provide a specimen of blood or urine .
10 But it is only in the second half of 1908 that Picasso turned to a more concentrated study of Cézanne .
11 It is only in the long run that a match gradually emerges between what is seen to happen and what is said to happen .
12 In all of South America it is only in the southern , non-tropical , waters of Argentina and Chile , in the northern parts of the Guyanas , and in the northward and westward flowing rivers of the Andean cordilleras that we find more neutral and alkaline conditions .
13 It is therefore not such property where there is only in the alleged owners a claim to a proprietary interest .
14 It is only in the twentieth century that theorists have attempted to produce a version of democracy in which popular participation is treated with suspicion , if not regarded as positively undesirable .
15 It is only in the recent past that ‘ Open Days ’ have been organised by the company .
16 Yet it is only in the past decade that biologists have begun to appreciate the real extent of it .
17 Although microbial polyesters were discovered in the 1920s , it is only in the past decade that there has been an explosion of international research interest in all aspects of their production , formulation and use .
18 ISDN technology has been tested since the mid-1980s , but it is only in the past 12 months that BT and its counterparts in other countries have had ISDN lines widely available .
19 Despite the fact that our genus has been around for some four million years , it is only in the past century or so that we have discovered the knack of using radio signals .
20 It is only in the past few years that a good understanding of these types of collision has emerged , and it is only a year since Tiesinga et al .
21 Though he claimed all the peoples of Burma were now united he admitted that this unity ‘ is only in the initial stages … tender and fragile ’ .
22 The word itself also nicely illustrates Derrida 's point that writing does not copy speech , for it is only in the written form that one can see the difference between the word ‘ différance ’ and the usual French ‘ différence ’ .
23 It is only in the sixth form , apparently , that pupils will work for examinations .
24 Distinct from the previously existing ‘ folk culture ’ , it is only in the late-nineteenth-century city that one can speak with any degree of certainty about the existence of a mass and popular culture .
25 It is only in the unlikely circumstance that the product market is perfectly contestable and that the factor markets are perfectly competitive , that we can be confident of extending the compass of the invisible hand result .
26 ‘ Red ’ , in the most basic sense , refers to a quality whose true locus is only in the perceptual fields of beings such as ourselves , but which in our most basic conceptualisations of the world we think of as being present more stably in a real world the character of which can clash with the world as immediately presented .
27 It is only in the last generation that British education has begun to grasp the idea that schooling should maximise the opportunity of every individual child .
28 The first pre-retirement courses were held in the United States in 1949 , but it is only in the last ten to fifteen years that the need for them has been recognised in the United Kingdom .
29 However , using any form of medication should be a last resort and it is only in the last four or five years that I have used herbal remedies ( for eighteen years before that I used no treatments ) as a lot of minor problems will heal themselves , provided that the tank is healthy and the water quality is good .
30 Although the pied flycatcher 's adultery has been known about since 1950 , it is only in the last few years that the scientist Rauno Alatalo and his colleagues , studying pied flycatchers in Sweden , have begun to unravel the finer details .
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