Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 AWHITEHALL investigation has been launched into allegations that the Government is secretly flouting European Community law by awarding contracts worth millions of pounds to British companies on an exclusive basis in advance of a privatisation sale next summer .
2 But the most important factor is that the team is properly funded this time . ’
3 It is widely accepted that fibrin degradation products released after the action of plasmin on fibrin contribute to the development of inflammatory changes in several organs by increasing the permeability of the vasculature to protein .
4 In this era , it is widely accepted that collectivism was an ideal cultural trait which could be harnessed to the growth of aggressive nationalism .
5 It is widely accepted that City regulation is too fragmented to meet the challenges of insider-dealing and market manipulation .
6 It is widely accepted that infection is the primary cause of Whipple 's disease , but the importance of an associated immune deficiency in starting or promoting persistence of the infection is less clear .
7 It is widely recognised that air pollution due to human activity in populated areas and in the vicinity of isolated sources has become one of the significant environmental health problems of our time .
8 It is widely believed that penicillin , a substance obtained from moulds of the family called Penicillium , was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming at St. Mary 's Hospital in London .
9 It is widely anticipated that LMS will lead to more job losses .
10 It seems to me , if a literary critic may be allowed a comment on these linguistic matters , that the function of the first- and second-person pronouns is rather to relate two people , to set up a plane of relationship which includes them and excludes all others .
11 In so far as the levels of government expenditure are fixed by general political considerations , if one group is expressly given favourable tax treatment the value of tax revenue lost is a cost that must be financed by other tax payers .
12 It is little surprise that legend and lore should have built up around it .
13 It is little known that poll tax collectors not only have the authority to arrest those they suspect of defaulting on poll tax and strip them naked for the purposes of search ( without any obligation to mend or replace clothing which is destroyed in the process ) , but they can also apply torture in cases where they have reason to believe poll tax is being withheld — at any rate until such time as the defaulters reveal where their money is hidden .
14 BEHIND THE IRISH TROUBLES The image of Northern Ireland has suffered greatly from the continual strife there , but the Industrial Development Board is successfully wooing overseas employers .
15 AIRCRAFT OWNERS and Pilots Association ( AOPA ) continue their campaign to save threatened airfields , a campaign that is thankfully enjoying some success .
16 Once again , it may be the impersonal that is being undervalued by an approach that is effectively denying inanimate objects their autonomy by trying to present them virtually as the organs of God 's body .
17 The shape and substance of the campaigns of each of the parties is slowly taking public form , having been privately settled some time last summer in the face of the possibility of an autumn poll .
18 A tribunal in The Hague is slowly resolving each country 's claims against the other , including Tehran 's demand for the return of $12billion in military equipment and spare parts which the regime says were paid for but never delivered .
19 But the pressure is on to re-create past glories , to think big like the extraordinary Grand Hotel in East Berlin , built just a few years ago .
20 Business has been held back by a combination of recession and tough environmental laws but the drive is on to recover lost sales volume .
21 Verbal harassment is constitutionally protected free speech , the panel said .
22 While one tale is all doomed romantic passion , the other portrays an unglamorous urge to stay alive .
23 Through research and development , Rentokil is constantly seeking new ways to provide more and better services to protect health and the environment .
24 He has convinced Roderigo that Othello 's attraction for Desdemona is purely sensual , will soon be satiated , and that then Desdemona will love him ; even though the dupe is constantly doubting that vision , Iago manages to sustain it for as long as he needs to .
25 One is constantly reminded that life is short , so I suppose I should .
26 ( Note : LIFFE is constantly introducing new contracts , deleting contracts , and changing the specifications of existing contracts . )
27 This is highly price sensitive information from which a conglomerate could make a profit or avoid a loss , but it would rarely constitute a breach of the the Company Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 .
28 As one explained , ‘ Well , what we try to do is basically to stop young people from getting into trouble , or prevent them , in other words we keep them out of court .
29 This is rightly causing deep concern in the British newspaper and advertising industries .
30 Severe illness is rightly considered high art .
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